Sunday, April 29, 2012


Normally I avoid mentioning politics here on StormBringer as it generates Dark Energy within me. However, we are entering into a political season the likes of which we may not have seen since the insanity of the 1968 Presidential elections, and so I address it from a security point of view. Strange players are marshalling their forces, maneuvering into position for what could become a perfect storm of chaos, confusion and extreme political violence.

The President of the United States is a Weirdo

Barack Hussein Obama: cold, distant, aloof.

Never mind whether he was born in Hawaii, born in Kenya or born on Mars – that doesn’t matter. What matters is that his father was an African nationalist revolutionary, both his father and his step-father were Muslims, his mother was an atheist and an admitted Marxist, the mentor of his teenage years Frank Marshall Davis was a known Communist Party of the USA member, his political mentor into the Chicago political scene was the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, his religious pastor the America-hating Reverend Wright. The apologists of Barack Hussein Obama may claim that he is not a Muslim nor a Marxist – I say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and is surrounded by ducks . . .

Speaking of which, the people surrounding BHO are a gaggle of apparatchiks such as the useless functionary Timothy Geigner – Treasurer of the United States who in the midst of the worst economy since the Great Depression admits that he doesn’t have a plan - and the useful tool Eric Holder who as Attorney General refuses to enforce the law against militant Black Panthers, and impedes justice in the Fast and Furious investigation.

But wait it gets better; we’ve got a sitting President of the United States behaving in a manner not seen since the paranoia of Richard Nixon and his infamous enemies list - Wall Street Journal: The President Has a List

Unable to campaign on a record of success, this Administration’s political tactics follow a pattern of throwing red herrings - such as whore/slut Sandra Fluke’s incredible $3000 annual birth control requirement - this antic captured the political center stage over an issue that was never an issue. Expect to see similar episodes as the season unfolds.

The Occupy Phenomenon

Do not dismiss this movement as a harmless element of the lunatic fringe; their rank and file are useful idiots for a cadre with a sinister agenda. Whoever is pulling the strings for Occupy has demonstrated an ability to harness the energy of the movement and direct it; witness the violence directed against the police in Oakland, California on 29 January of this year:

The Oakland Police Department said in a statement that the crowd was ordered to disperse after protesters “began destroying construction equipment and fencing . . . Officers were pelted with bottles, metal pipe, rocks, spray cans, improvised explosive devices and burning flares,” the police statement said. Officers responded by firing smoke and tear gas canisters and beanbags . . .”

Occupy Street Tactics

Throughout the march some demonstrators yelled, “Shields line up!” or “Shields to the front,” and the shield-bearers would line up in front of the crowd.

A disturbing development, these kind of tactics are significant in that they require prior training, and indicate a degree of organization beyond that of a simple grassroots movement.

Also present amongst the Occupy formations are the infamous Black Bloc; organized activists who conceal their identities with all-black garments to include hoods, ski masks and balaclavas, initiate violence and direct the flow of the crowd against security forces, then doff their outer garments and evade away from the scene of the crime.

It is telling that in the UK, MI-5 considers Occupy to be a threat to national security, second only to al Qaeda.

The Exploitation of Trayvon Martin

It is strange that a month passed from when the incident occurred to when it emerged onto the media’s radar screen. In a modern Information Era electronic lynching, the left-leaning mainstream media passed judgment before the facts of the case were fully known. Things unfolded quickly after that; professional political agitator Al Sharpton jumped on the bandwagon . . .


. . .the Black Panthers issued a bounty on the head of George Zimmerman, and the President of the United States included himself into the equation with a bizarre declaration, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.”

The same incompetant Attorney General who refuses to prosecute the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation in 2008 in Philadelphia, refuses to prosecute the same for what is essentially solicitation to kidnap.

On the other side of the puddle the capacity for a long, hot violent summer is unfolding; Occupy is present in London, of course, warming up for the London Olympics. This time last year, demonstrators were burning down houses in scenes reminiscent of the Blitz. The financial crisis on the continent has manifested street violence to the point where politics-as-usual in Italy and Greece has simply ceased to exist.

All of the aforementioned madness, coupled with modern cellphone tecnology capability to summon flashmobs via mass instant messaging . . . yub, gonna be a long, hot political summer coming up . . .

Today's Bird HERE

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Posting late today on account of wife TigerLily birthday activities, which involved - believe it or not - a trip to the hardware store!!! What can I say? I have a cool wife . . .

. . . today's Bird HERE

Friday, April 27, 2012


The thrilling one-point win over Essendon on ANZAC Day is one of the Magpie Army's all time greatest victories . . .

Today's Bird HERE

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Veteran Plea for Help: Bob Strait and Family

This is the story of a D-Day veteran - 90 years old - who was burglarized and beaten into a coma and who lost his 85-year-old wife after she was beaten and raped. There are no words to describe my reaction to this outrage. Please help spread the word around of this veteran's horrific suffering - S.L.


War correspondant Alex Quade is highly respected by the Special Operations community:

Alex is an incredibly courageous woman. She gets out there in the thick of it. I remember her during Operation Arrowhead Ripper in Iraq in 2007. She earned respect from the troops and journalists for her willingness to go where and do what few will do. And she did it well. - Michael Yon

Alex Quade just received American Legion's 4th Estate for her original reporting on the Horse Soldiers/Statue etc from last fall. Alex has now expanded their story into a documentary that she herself directed & produced (impressive) - Gary Sinise narrates.

Alex is definitely one of us.

The world premier of Horse Soldiers of 9/11 is at the GI Film Festival in Washington DC over Armed Forces Day Weekend - 20 May 2012 at 6:30 pm - here's the link - everyone's invited (and YES I will be there) -S.L.

Today's Bird HERE


Israel marks Memorial Day for fallen IDF soldiers - honor them. - S.L.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Busy today - back again in 24 / 48 hours. Cheers -S.L.

Today's Bird HERE

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


“NBC Doesn’t Hesitate to Edit the Truth”

NBC’s report on several popular Remington products failed to mention critical facts. One example is their presentation of evidence regarding Russell Chaney. By presenting viewers with a one-sided version of events, NBC sensationalized tragedy while ignoring other important, readily available information.

Remington is actively working to take a stand against the inaccurate reporting demonstrated by NBC and the mainstream media in general – specifically the reports that portray the firearms industry in a negative light. In order to do this, we have “NBC’s Anti-Gun Agenda” series this week - to unite the industry to push back against this very dangerous agenda. This is the next edition from the series “NBC Doesn’t Hesitate to Edit the Truth” - how NBC blatantly leaves out information denoted in depositions and important documents to portray a one-sided view of the Chaney case.

Today's Bird HERE

Monday, April 23, 2012


Only just now coming up for air. -S.L.

Several readers asked about contributions to Bill's survivors and quite honestly the subject was never mentioned throughout the funeral process. I will find out more, but I think a donation to the GBF would be an appropriate measure. Thanks -S.L.

Bill Joyner's funeral was remarkable- a small but tidy Southern Baptist church out in the heartland of Special Forces "Robin Sage" country and what a collection of Special Forces operators past/present & future; much honor for Bill- he was truly loved & respected throughout the community.

I was given the opportunity to speak and I spoke for the assembled veterans. Basically I repeated what I'd written in STORMBRINGER: Bill essentially wrote my resume. What I said was eclipsed by the pastor's words:

"On Sunday 15 April 2012, after saying goodbye to his sons Thomas and Edward, William Earl Joyner breathed his last and immediately thereafter stepped into the presence of his Master and Savior, Jesus Christ."

My background is C of E- usually I have a hard time dealing with the Evangelicals but this paster pulled it off with a minimum of snake-handling. Afterward, walking toward the graveside, in front of me was a team of Neandethal knuckledraggers shoehorned into suits and ties. I addressed them, "You guys have GOT to be on active duty; I can read you like a book." This earned me dirty looks - they were the Regimental Long Hair Detachment. I said, "I'm retired off active-duty but I'm still in the game. I'm a soldier in the corporate world; I'm a privateer," and I handed them my card. It turned out their Team Sergeant is a guy I served with in 3d Group.

After the folding of the flag, the final words, "dust to dust, ashes to ashes," the rifle volleys and the lone bugler "Taps" - full military honors - we said goodbye to Bill in accordance with the most ancient warrior traditions.



Meet Demon, the Phoenix Bird of Pineland:

Demon is the mascot of my buddy JD's guerrilla unit. As a part of Exercise Robin Sage, JD provides training to Special Forces candidates by a combination of of challenging dilemmas and psychological cruelty.


The Special Forces Qualification Course ("Q-Course") is culminated by Operation ROBIN SAGE, a 4 week long large-scale unconventional warfare exercise conducted by the John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center at Fort Bragg, North Carolina and over 50,000 square miles of North Carolina. For more than half a century, around a third of North Carolina has served as the fictional "People's Republic of Pineland" for the 28-day exercise which culminates in the 19-day Robin Sage. During this unconventional warfare training exercise, the Special Forces students are required to apply and exercise the skills taught in the Special Forces Qualification Course.

The 15 counties of North Carolina that make up the People's Republic of Pineland include: Alamance, Anson, Cabarrus, Chatham, Davidson, Davie, Guilford, Hoke, Montgomery, Moore, Randolph, Richmond, Rowan, Scotland, Stanly and Union.

The students are put into 12-man Operational Detachments 'Alpha', (ODA's). Students are isolated for 5 days and issued an operations order. They begin their planning process and study material required to execute their detachment's mission during the exercise.

On the last day of isolation the detachment presents its plan to the battalion command and staff. This plan will explain how the commander intends to execute the mission. The next day, the students make an airborne infiltration into the country of Pineland. They then make contact with the guerrilla forces and begin Robin Sage. Students will then begin their task of training, advising, and assisting the guerrillas. The training will educate the guerrillas in various specialties, including weapons, communications, medical, and demolitions. The training is designed to enable the guerrillas to begin liberating their country from oppression. It is the last portion of the Special Forces Qualification Course before they receive their "Green Berets".

ROBIN SAGE involves approximately 100 Special Forces students, 100 counter-insurgent personnel (OPFOR), 200 guerrilla personnel, 40 auxiliary personnel, and 50 cadre. The local communities of North Carolina also participate in the exercise by role playing as citizens of Pineland. Many of the OPFOR and guerrilla personnel are North Carolina residents who are financially compensated for their participation. The role of the guerrilla chief, or "G-Chief," is played by a retired Green Beret.

Bob Snyder, also known as Pineland Bob, right, maps out a transportation plan with a soldier during the Special Forces' Robin Sage exercise in Ramseur, N.C.

There is nothing like Exercise Robin Sage - on such a scale at least - in any other military organization in the world. Since my retirement from active duty I have been involved in two major corporate security organizations, working side-by-side with fellow Special Forces veterans, and the principles and truisms of guerrilla warfare learned in Robin Sage are constantly referenced. The corporate suits in the boardrooms are never able to outflank us with their office politics and agendas. We know the battle before it is fought; if we can prevail, we engage and overcome. If there is no tactical victory to be achieved; combat is declined.

The SEALs and the MARSOF are trying to replicate Robin Sage; my advice to them is why re-invent the wheel? Come over to the Dark Side - Pineland already exists - use the existing training lanes and G-networks that are already in place; there's plenty of contractors coming back from the Sandpile who are willing to plus-up the cadre.

The Anthem of Pineland is as follows:

This is the Land of the of the Tall Pine Tree
Where All of Us used to Live so Free

A Place to Live and a Place to Play
But the UPA took it All away

A Place where We are all Free to Work Together
Where our Crops can Grow and the Sun will Shine Forever
A Beautiful Land with Much to Give
This is where We'll Always Live



Speaking of Birds, today's Mystery Bird is HERE

Friday, April 20, 2012


This is about Master Sergeant Bill Joyner, 1963-2012. Bill was my Team Sergeant '92-'95, a good friend, and the most effective mentor of my professional life.

I spoke with Bill just last week; he sounded fine, said he felt fine and couldn't even feel it (the cancer). Later in the week he felt bad, went in for some tests. I'm foggy on the details; Bill didn't make it past Sunday night. Monday morning, about five minutes out from going into a meeting, I got the call. I jumped right out of my chair and said, "OH MY GOD!"

Everything I have accomplished; in my career and in my life - I can point directly to Bill's tutelage. What a rare individual, to have had such an impact over such a short period of time. I met Bill right after I left Okinawa. I had four years in the Special Forces by that time, nine years total in the Army; I thought I was the cock o' the walk - looking back I was a bull in a china shop. Bill taught me what they'd tried to pound into me in the GoJuRyu Dogo in Oki; it takes ten years to make a true warrior; what is called a professional. Bill turned me around, and he didn't even raise his voice.

From Bill I learned how to assess a situation and make sound judgement. Technical and tactical proficiency, planning, decision making - things I had been exposed to, things I thought I already knew, Bill forged into us. In short; leadership. You're always going somewhere in the Army and after three years Bill went his way and I went mine. By that time I was a seasoned veteran.

Everything I have accomplished - in my military career, my career as a security professional, in my personal life, even - is directly due to Bill's guidance and influence. When I got the word, there was no question - I would travel down to Fort Bragg and be there for the funeral. It was the least I could do to say thank you to Bill.

I tooled around the old neighborhood. It's unbelievable it's been twenty years. What a sad, sad journey home.

Last night was the viewing. Going into the funeral home was one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life, but I'm glad I went. The place was packed; Bill was universally loved & admired. I met an old battalion commander, and an old CSM. It was good to be able to share with them how Bill contributed to my successful career. The funeral is this afternoon. I will have the honor to say a few words.


Tuesday, April 17, 2012


StormBringer is a hobby; because of the situation down at Ft. Bragg this will be a busy & confusing week for me - in the meantime it is an honor and a privilege to post NRA material - S.L.

The issue at hand is anti-gun, agenda-driven journalism that we are constantly inundated with. We know the 870 is a good gun, and gun owners know that too, but the fact that our media is constantly trying to over sensationalize these types of stories is ignorant and dangerous, and so we’ve decided to take a stand.

Remington Responds to Yeger Case

Private gun ownership is a sentiment that is very strong with me - I am an immigrant to the US; Australian born, grew up overseas in post-colonial Southeast Asia. I'd handled .22's and 12-guage pump shotguns but it wasn't until I was fifteen the first time I fired a .45 and I thought the world was coming to an end. Circumstances brought me to America, and I found my way into the Army. That was how I became an American - I'd already been on Airborne status 3 years and made sergeant before I took my Oath of Citizenship in Raleigh, North Carolina. More significant than that brief ceremony was what serving as an Infantryman in the 82d Airborne taught me about being an American. I learned to appreciate that America is about freedom - the freedoms esconced in the Bill of Rights. And of all the rights outlined in the Bill of Rights, the 2d Amendment is the most important - because it guarantees all the rest.

The Remington 870 is the ultimate 12-guage pump shotgun - every lawman & warrior knows that; the NBC campaign is not directed toward us; it is directed toward other liberals and their political tools in Washington. Nonetheless we must always counter their anti-gun propaganda.

NBC's Agenda

Today's Bird HERE

Monday, April 16, 2012


Due to some extreme news I just recieved - an unexpected death in the Brotherhood - posts will be intermittant and brief over the next week. Your understanding is appreciated . . . - S.L.

For those of you who knew him; MSG(ret) Bill Joyner died unexpectedly yesterday. Bill was my Team Sergeant and he was also a close friend. In his retirement, Bill Joyner worked at USASFC. We all knew he had bone cancer, but nobody knew it was that far along. I spoke to him just last week and he sounded fine – this blindsided everybody. Bill was the best guy I ever worked for, the best leader anyone could ever ask for. I learned more about leadership from my three years under his tutelage than I did in 25 years in the Airborne Infantry and Special Forces. He was that good.

First SGM George Miller and now this. Even TigerLily was shaken – Bill was at our wedding. My good friend JT - retired US Marine and ex-Legionaire, just transmitted over the email machine - he said it best:

"Life is short, live each day like it is your last. That is why you never hear me complain. I am thankful to have a roof over my head and hot and cold water. I keep it simple and that way I appreciate things more. It’s sad to see these men go but I know one day we will all meet on the other side in what I call 'Warrior Heaven'. Even the good book makes it a point to say that -

'. . . there is no greater love that a man will lay down his life for a friend.'

We are all certain to meet on the Other Side because men like those who went before are rewarded for their service and sacrifice to freedom."

In the meantime all Hell continues to unleash in the 'Stan:

Afghanistan: Another Rocket Hits Japanese Embassy

April 16, 2012 | 0520 GMT

A rocket struck the Japanese Embassy in Kabul early April 16, Japan Broadcasting Corporation reported. Staff members have been evacuated and no one has been hurt, embassy officials said. Fights are taking place around the parliament building, the Afghan Interior Ministry said.

Today's Mystery Bird HERE


AFP: Police say suicide bombers have attacked Jalalabad airport in eastern Afghanistan

There were attacks about the same time in two other eastern cities — Jalalabad and Gardez. There were no immediate reports of casualties from those assaults, but details were sketchy and the fighting was still going on.

Several suicide attackers also entered government buildings in Logar province, south of Kabul, as blasts and gunfire rocked the capital.

There are also reports of a suicide attack that has closed the center of the eastern city of Jalalabad.


Explosion and gunfire heard in the diplomatic area of central Kabul

KABUL, Afghanistan — A series of blasts have gone off in a neighborhood of the Afghan capital that is home to embassies and a NATO forces base. Sunday's explosions were followed by gunshots. The site of the blast was not immediately clear. Sirens could be heard through the Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood. Pedestrians in the streets took cover as shooting continued.

At least seven large explosions and automatic gunfire rocked the central diplomatic area of Kabul and embassy alarms were sounding. Gunfire appeared to be coming from various directions in the heavily barricaded diplomatic area of central Kabul close to both the U.S. and British embassies.
Neither embassy were immediately available to comment.

Multiple blasts and gunfire have been heard in the center of the Afghan capital Kabul. The central district is home to a number of international embassies, although the site of the violence is unclear. Residents were reportedly running for cover and sirens wailing in the Wazir Akbar Khan district.

Unconfirmed twitter activity:

thomas_wiegold ‏ @thomas_wiegold RT @ruthowen: Zanbaq square near German embassy, on the way to GMIC and MOFA. Apparently attacks in Karte Se, Darulaman Road also. #Kabul

Omid Farooq ‏ @OmidFarooq 4 heavy explosions happened in Zanbaq Square near to Kabul Star hotel #ToloNews

Kabul Pressistan ‏ @Pressistan Kabul attack update: Kabul Star hotel on Charhi Zanbaq is on fire. More gunshots and blast are heard

Kabul Pressistan ‏ @Pressistan More gunfire and blasts. Witnesses say it's near Kabul Star hotel near camp eagers, palace, UN office and US embassy

Graham Bowley ‏ @Graham_Bowley Exchange of gunfire in central Kabul. And more explosions. Sirens. Another bombs, shaking the windows. RPGs. Machine guns.

Reuters India ‏ @ReutersIndia FLASH: Loud explosions rock central Kabul, sporadic gunfire continuing: Reuters witnesses

Kabul Pressistan ‏ @Pressistan Kabul incident update: More witnesses report "blast and gunshots" in Kabul's Wazir Akbar Khan area

Comment: Is this coordinated attack the opening gambit of a major Spring Offensive, or has the enemy "shot their wad" with this operation? What did our people know about this, and how soon did they know it? If we didn't know about this in advance: WHY NOT?


Today's Bird HERE

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Left-Wing Terrorist Bill Ayers: “I Get Up Every Morning And Think . . . Today I’m Going To End Capitalism”

Considering Bill's parents sponsored 0bama through college, Bill and his pal are doing a pretty good job CHANGING America.


Today's Bird HERE

Friday, April 13, 2012


13 is my Lucky Number! For me, Friday the 13th is the luckiest day on the calendar, and this year came home in spades! Leave it to a bunch of Commies dwelling in a medieval nightmare state to plan their Great Leap Forward rocket launch on STORMBRINGER's lucky day! HA! Snark-snark-snark . . . -S.L.

NorKorCom Head of Missile Security is given 24 hours to Get Affairs in Order and Bid Farewell to Wife & Family

"In accordance with the greatest traditions of the Freedom Loving People's Democratic Working Republic of North Korea, you will report to your next duty station: Camp Kwan-li-so No.22 Haengyong. Uniform: striped pajamas."

Not a good day to have your picture taken in front of this rocket.

Not good to be this guy, either.

Great-Person-Born-of-Heaven-Supreme-Commander-Leader is NOT HAPPY.

Today's Bird HERE

Thursday, April 12, 2012


It was brought to my attention that last year CNBC aired an hour-long documentary attacking the Remington M-700 - I was not aware of this controversy - I have since learned that that the same producer is working on a follow-up story attacking Remington yet again; this time the M-870.

Turns out Remington isn't taking this lying down.

Every security professional and gun aficionado knows that for any and every gun ever made, people have opinions pro and con - and they're not always based on knowledge and experience. CNBC can say what they want - for CNBC to produce an hour-long documentary on firearms is the intellectual equivalent of me trying to understand the mathematical model of Einstein's Theory of Relativity, then turning around and trying to teach it to a group of Kalihari bushmen.

Response #1:

The Remington 700 is the gold standard of military sniper rifles.

I personally own 2 Remingtons; the R-11 (modern replica of the M1911 they produced during WWI) and the venerable 870 12-gauge shotgun. Remingtons are excellent firearms - the highest quality.

In fact, I recommend the Remington 870 to all my clientele for home & facility security. How can anyone bust the M870? It has established itself as the military and police standard shotgun - versatile, robust and completely utilitarian; the warrior's shotgun.

Response #2:

What do a bunch of journalists know about guns?

Answer: 2 things- A) Jack, and B) sh*t.

Today's Bird HERE

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Here's the new sneak peek from the NRA Life of Duty's “Choosing Honor” Patriot Profile. In this video, Ed talks about his experience on the USS Westchester the night it was attacked in 1968 (which also happened to be his first time on a boat). This event lead to the death of 25 men – which became recognized as the single greatest loss of live for the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam war. It’s an incredible sniper story.


By Alan Caruba

When North Korea launches its intercontinental ballistic missile called the Taepodong, Japan and/or the United States should shoot it down. News reports suggest it could occur as early as 6 PM, April 11.

Japan has more at stake being much closer to North Korea, but the United States has its reputation on the line. If it takes no action, the world will conclude it is gutless and its leadership position will be weakened. Shooting it down will not set off a war, but it will signal that America is not going to continue being played for a fool after years of having acceded to North Korea’s blackmail schemes.

The Taepodong is an ICPM and a very big risk to America’s west coast, to Hawaii, to Japan, and other targets. The first one was launched in 1998 so the North Koreans have had plenty of time to improve their technological mastery. The same, of course, can be said for their nuclear weapons.

In 2004, William C. Triplett II, a former chief Republican counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with more than thirty years of experience working on China’s threat national security, wrote a book, “Rogue State: How a Nuclear North Korea Threatens America.” I doubt anyone in the Obama administration has read it.

It is uncanny how a nation so poor that it cannot feed its own people—other than its million-plus military—can find the money to build ICBMs and develop nuclear bombs. That answer is staring everyone in the face. “Communist China serves as its life support system. Beijing will not let the regime in North Korea die,” wrote Triplett.

The Chinese have a term for it. It’s called “killing with a borrowed knife” and involves having another nation do its dirty work. “It is true that North Korea is the front man delivering the missiles to terrorist countries,” wrote Triplett, “But behind North Korea, the Chinese are enriching themselves by selling parts, service, production tools, training, and the development of future models.”

It’s worth noting that before the Chinese in the mid-1960s, it was the Russians—then known as the Soviet Union—that had helped North Korea establish a small five-megawatt nuclear research reactor at Yongbyon, sixty miles north of its capitol of Pyongyang. In time the Chinese would provide the assistance for a growing program. In the 1980s, the regime began to build three newer and larger nuclear power reactors.

It is ironic that, despite the capacity to produce electricity with nuclear power, North Korea remains in darkness when night falls.

The U.S. has shown a weak hand in dealing with North Korea. In the 1990s the Clinton administration engaged in classic appeasement, standing by for eight years while the North Korea-Chinese missile export joint venture moved ahead. No American administration going back to the days of Jimmy Carter has done much to restrain the North Koreans and the United Nations has an even worse track record.

There are eight known nuclear bomb explosion sites in North Korea. In 2003, it withdrew from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, expelling the IAEA inspectors. In 2006, it tested a nuclear device and fired off six missiles, including a Taepodong II. Since 2007 the usual useless diplomatic kabuki dance has been conducted between North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, Japan, and the U.S.

President Obama needs to “grow a set” and give the order that the missile is to be shot down when it is launched. Japan may do so for us. It would be a breach of U.N. Security Council resolutions. It is manifestly a threat to our national security.

If we did shoot it down what would China do? Nothing. It would issue a statement denouncing the action and then it would be back to business as usual. It would, however, send a message to them and the North Koreans that the U.S. is not a paper tiger.

If the Obama administration takes no action regarding the missile, it will no doubt find an excuse to ship 240,000 tons of food aid for “humanitarian” reasons. It’s been done before. It didn’t change or slow down North Korea’s missile and nuclear program. It just gave them more time to perfect it.

© Alan Caruba, 2012

Alan blogs at WARNING SIGNS

Today's Bird HERE

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My good friend Skullhead is refering to the comment trail beneath LISSEN UP: THE SERGEANT-MAJOR SENDS where I pointed out:

"Throughout Ronald Reagan's administration a highly effective covert operation was mounted against the personalities and organizations involved in the bombings of the US Embassy and the Marine barracks (both in Beirut). This included pressure on the organizations involved in the kidnapping of US diplomats & scholars in Beirut. When I say pressure I mean triggers were pulled and results were not publicized; silence was maintained regarding these operations, which is why they were so effective." -S.L.

OK I'll let the man who was there on the ground with the plan tell his story. Over to you, Skull:

ok so you do know what we did with the middle east after the iran incendent. have not seen to much come out obout that over the years no worries they are better at keeping their mouth shut than other people we know. i can say yes we did actively work these cases and if they had let us continue we would not be in this boat. it suprises me as well olly seems to have able to main stream himself and not say a word about things. i am still to this day most impressed with him. anyway interesting reading, yes most lifer sgts do have a way with words and putting it on the table like it should be. most officers are over educated and a waste of good space on an aircraft.

on another subject the shooting in sanford is not a racial issue they made it one and most of the people complaining and causing problems dont even live here and as usual collage kids think they are right and everbody else is wrong. believe me if there was a case the man would be in jail for sure. and for the record any fight is for your life because anytime someone attacks another person there is a chance of a death. ie saw 2 12 year old kids fighting one fell to the ground and the other kick him in the head, the boy died next day in hospital. (was friends with my kid) the aggressure was charged with the crime, the 2 were best freinds and were arguing over who skated better. point being death is never an accident there is always cause and effect. the problem here is some one wants a racial issue and they are not getting their way. besides in orlando and surrounding areas we are averaging 3 to 4 shootings a day, 75 percent involve young black males. dont see the white cummunity out protesting for their rights and safety. by what has come out looks like the young man tried to attack the armed citizen and paid the price. i have to say i have been followed and threated by young black males more than once, if they ever decided to jump me so to speak i would defend my self by any means nessary. and believe it would be a life or death struggle this is life not UCF or WWE its real life. Race, color or creed meen nothing if you decide to take from me. There is no substute for total victory. regardless this sanford shooting is just a excuse for racial tensions and the usual suspects are checking in and collecting their share of fame. it desgracful how the public is treating this and the media has egged it on. this will turn it to some bill to limit gun ownership and make people scared to defend them self. they have a rule out as well called justifable use of deadly force, not saying go out and be the want to be policeman. i am saying stand up and be a man, if your wrong admit it and stop blaiming your problems on other people or the color of your skin. but remember if you like to fight or want to fight or attack someone it can and will cost you your life at some point. the hardest thing for any human to do is to take a life it lives with you for ever and is a heavy burden to carry for anyone. let the law work and then decide if your point of view is right or wrong, and ask youself is your opion is worth you life and physically fighting for. or maybe justice was served that night not our place to judge its the court and the law.

Today's Birds HERE

Monday, April 9, 2012


New Black Panthers Plan "Call to Action" Day Before Zimmerman Hearing

Normally this is not a political blog but this IS the blog of a security professional; I'm not alerting on the specifics of the Trayvon Martin situation down in Florida but the fallout. Nobody knows for sure what happened - I'm sure Zimmerman himself is going through a lot of self-doubt and inner turmoil himself over this thing. We have seen conflicting accounts emerge from law enforcement and eyewitnesses and - significantly - we have seen doctored 911 tapes and security videotape emerge not from radical sources but from the mainstream media; I'm not going to name names but their intials are NBC.

Regardless of the facts of the situation, political actors have emerged to exploit and capitalize on the incident - the usual gang; Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the New Black Panthers, and now the Nazis have emerged from their holes to patrol the streets of Sanford, Florida. None of these people have an interest in any kind of justice - if that was their motivation they would be calling for calm - they represent a 21st century lynch mob. It is the mob scenario that I address.

A mob is a crowd that develops a sort of collective mind of its own - a brutal id representative of the ugliest, most primitive savagery of which human beings are capable. Never mind if the Black Panthers are small in actual number or even if their intentions are completely above-the-board and legit, let us not forget we are talking about revolutionary players here. It is not the uniformed members of the NBP that concern me; it is is the crowds they will generate and the potential for those crowds to be manipulated by forces that seek to spread chaos and violence. Recall the 'flashmob' phenomenon of last summer.

As you contemplate the flashmob scenario, try to imagine who benefits from chaos and confusion; and who possesses the ability to turn a peaceful protest into an angry, violent mob and to focus and direct that violence.

Meanwhile, the national leadership is notably silent. Where is the President of the United States on this? If anyone could effectively connect with the angry black community and call out for calm on this issue, one would thing it would be Barack Hussein Obama. The only comment I recall coming from Obama identified with the political focal point and only helped fuel the outrage. Where is there any kind of leadership? This thing has an absolute potential to get real ugly, real fast - it is a boil that needs to be lanced - and the surgeon is out to lunch.

It is going to be a long, hot political summer, people. Brace yourselves.


Today's Bird HERE

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Seargants Major have a way of cutting out the peripheral BS and getting right to the heart of the matter - sent in from a 'Nam vet Recon Marine buddy of mine - S.L.

"The Axis of Idiots"

FROM THE PODIUM: J. D. Pendry, Retired Sergeant Major, USMC

Jimmy Carter, you are the father of the Islamic Nazi movement. You threw the Shah under the bus, welcomed the Ayatollah home, and then lacked the spine to confront the terrorists when they took our embassy and our people hostage. You're the "runner-in-chief."

Bill Clinton, you played ring around the Lewinsky while the terrorists were at war with us. You got us into a fight with them in Somalia and then you ran from it. Your weak-willed responses to the USS Cole and the First Trade Center bombing and our embassy bombings emboldened the killers. Each time you failed to respond adequately, they grew bolder, until 9/11/2001.

John Kerry, dishonesty is your most prominent attribute. You lied about American Soldiers in Vietnam . . . your military service, like your life, is more fiction than fact. You've accused our military of terrorizing women and children in Iraq. You called Iraq the wrong war, wrong place, wrong time, and the same words you used to describe Vietnam. You're a fake! You want to run from Iraq and abandon the Iraqis to murderers just as you did to the Vietnamese. Iraq, like Vietnam, is another war that you were for, before you were against it.

John Murtha, you said our military was broken. You said we can't win militarily in Iraq. You accused United States Marines of cold-blooded murder without proof and said we should redeploy to Okinawa. Okinawa, John? And the Democrats call you their military expert! Are you sure you didn't suffer a traumatic brain injury while you were off building your war hero resume? You're a sad, pitiable, corrupt, and washed up old fool. You're not a Marine, sir. You wouldn't amount to a good pimple on a real Marine's ass. You're a phony and a disgrace. Run away, John.

Dick Durbin, you accused our Soldiers at Guantanamo of being Nazis, tenders of Soviet style gulags and as bad as the regime of Pol Pot, who murdered two million of his own people after your party abandoned Southeast Asia to the Communists. Now you want to abandon the Iraqis to the same fate. History was not a good teacher for you, was it? Lord help us! See Dick run.

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Carl Levine, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Russ Feingold, Pat Leahy, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, the Hollywood Leftist morons, et al, ad nauseam: Every time you stand in front of television cameras and broadcast to the Islamic Nazis that we went to war because our President lied, that the war is wrong and our Soldiers are torturers, that we should leave Iraq, you give the Islamic butchers - the same ones that tortured and mutilated American Soldiers - cause to think that we'll run away again, and all they have to do is hang on a little longer. It is inevitable that we, the infidels, will have to defeat the Islamic jihadists. Better to do it now on their turf, than later on ours after they have gained both strength and momentum.

American news media, the New York Times particularly: Each time you publish stories about national defense secrets and our intelligence gathering methods, you become one united with the sub-human pieces of camel dung that torture and mutilate the bodies of American Soldiers. You can't strike up the courage to publish cartoons, but you can help Al Qaeda destroy my country. Actually, you are more dangerous to us than Al Qaeda is. Think about that each time you face Mecca to admire your Pulitzer.

You are America's 'AXIS OF IDIOTS.' Your Collective Stupidity will destroy us. Self-serving politics and terrorist-abetting news scoops are more important to you than our national security or the lives of innocent civilians and Soldiers It bothers you that defending ourselves gets in the way of your elitist sport of politics and your ignorant editorializing. There is as much blood on your hands as is on the hands of murdering terrorists. Don't ever doubt that. Your frolics will only serve to extend this war as they extended Vietnam. If you want our Soldiers home as you claim, knock off the crap and try supporting your country ahead of supporting your silly political aims and aiding our enemies.

Yes, I'm questioning your patriotism. Your loyalty ends with self. I'm also questioning why you're stealing air that decent Americans could be breathing. You don't deserve the protection of our men and women in uniform. You need to run away from this war, this country. Leave the war to the people who have the will to see it through and the country to people who are willing to defend it.

Our country has two enemies: Those who want to destroy us from the outside and those who attempt it from within.

Semper Fi,
J. D. Pendry - Sergeant Major, USMC, Retired

Couldn't have said it better myself - today's Bird HERE

Saturday, April 7, 2012


OK I was wrong and I'm not afraid to admit it - turns out the serpent was only 7-foot long and the distortion is has something to do with the wide-angle lens on a cellphone camera - gentlemen bear this in mind when photographing your python - ladies bear this in mind when reviewing would-be suitors a la the Modern Age of Instantaneous Electronic Everything - S.L.

Huge rattlesnake found near St. Augustine

ST. AUGUSTINE - Brandon Booth didn't think a whole lot about the 7-foot, 3-inch rattlesnake.

A resident at Tuscany Village townhomes near Florida 16 and Interstate 95 at St. Augustine called Booth, who owns A-1 Trapper Man, on Sunday to come get the snake from near the entrance to the development.

"Actually, I've killed them bigger than that before," he said. "It's rare, [but] it's not like hitting the lottery or anything. If you look hard enough, you'll find them."

St. Johns County deputies were also called to the scene, and they photographed the snake, an eastern diamondback rattler.

Their photos were published in The Record on Wednesday and made it appear longer than what Booth measured it at.

The largest eastern diamondback recorded was 8 feet long.

OK that puts this one in the same league as the 8-footer I slayed in Mississippi - read the rest of it HERE

More from the Truth-Is-Stranger-Than-Fiction Department:

Officials question California hiker’s story about being saved from mountain lion attack by bear

Robert Biggs, 69, said he was watching a mama bear play with her cubs in the mountains above Whiskey Flats, north of Sacramento, last Monday when a mountain lion pounced on his back and began clawing at his arm.

Biggs said the mama bear quickly came to his aid by swatting the cougar off his back before it did any serious damage.

But over the weekend, state Fish and Game Commission said they suspected Biggs’ bear tale was bull.

“The evidence right now says inconclusive, but he lives in mountain lion country,” Andrew Hughan, a spokesperson for the agency, told CBS Sacramento.

“There’s never been a case we can document that one animal attacked another to save a person,” Hughan said.

Just for the record I threw out the fifteen-yard bullshit flag on this story BEFORE this follow-on story emerged; what really alerted me was his account of how on an earlier occasion the mama bear let him approach and touch her cubs. NO WAY KNOWN - every bear in North America has lost a mother, father, sister or brother to humans - bears FEAR and HATE humans more than we fear them. Read the whole thing HERE

Today's Bird HERE

Friday, April 6, 2012


SFC Frank Miller of Virginia Beach receives the Silver Star, the third-highest U.S. award for gallantry in combat, from Adm. James G. Stavridis for scaling a mountain while under enemy fire to reach injured comrades on Dec. 17, 2010, in Afghanistan. - Richard Herman | U.S. Army

December 17, 2010: Green Berets from 1st Battalion, 10th Special Forces Group were taking small-arms fire. Captain David Fox led a half-dozen members while Sergeant First Class McKenna "Frank" Miller and others provided security. The shooting from an estimated 10 enemy fighters, "It wasn't a big deal," Miller said. "We could control the situation."

Soon rocket-propelled grenades began to fly, and the small-arms fire intensified. Miller radioed to Fox that they'd better hurry up.

"I was sensing things were deteriorating," Fox later told an Army journalist, so he moved his group to the top of a steep mountain to help return fire.

That's when an improvised bomb exploded, killing one of the French engineers and leaving one of the Afghans, a local commander, badly wounded. Fox and the others who were with him were knocked unconscious.

Far below, Miller heard the blast and saw the smoke. CPT Fox came to and transmitted via radio. Miller could make out only two words of the broken transmission: "Urgent . . . surgical."

He and teammate Staff Sergeant Matthew Gassman started up the side of the mountain. It was a near-vertical ascent done "continuously under enemy fire," according to the Army's official narrative.

Upon arrival, Miller briefly tried to treat the engineer. Realizing he'd been killed, he did the only thing he could; he lifted the 200-pound man over his shoulder and, despite his exhaustion, carried him down the mountain, stumbling and falling several times along the way. Gassman helped the wounded Afghan commander while Fox provided cover.

By then, the number of enemy fighters had grown to about 70.

When the soldiers reached the bottom of the mountain, Miller collapsed while trying to dodge the enemy rounds, which were hitting the slain man on his back. Despite two strained hamstrings, he picked the man up again and continued forward.

Describing the pain of ripped hamstrings, Miller said, "It took the breath away from me."

Read it HERE


St. Johns County Sheriff, St. Augustine Florida


This is a 15 foot Eastern Diamondback rattlesnake; in fact, the largest ever caught on record.

This snake was found near the St. Augustine outlet, in a new subdivision just south of Jacksonville.

A little research:

One bite from a snake of this size would contain enough venom to kill over 40 full grown men.

The head of this snake alone is larger than the hand of a normal sized man.

A bite from those fangs would be comparable to being stabbed by two curved, 1/4 inch diameter screwdrivers.

The knife being used to draw out the fangs for the bottom picture has a blade around 6 inches long.

Notice the girth of this snake as compared to the cop's leg in the first picture (and he is not a small man).

This snake is estimated to have weighed over 170 pounds (how much do you weigh?).

A snake of this size could easily swallow a 2 year-old child (and dogs, pigs, etc).

A snake this size has an approximately 5 1/2 foot accurate striking distance; the distance for an average size rattlesnake is about 2 feet (that's because the average rattlesnake is 6 feet long).

This snake has probably been alive since George Bush Sr. was President.

Now just ask yourself these questions:

What has this snake been feeding on and . . . where are it's offspring?

Todays Bird HERE