Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Notice Number: NOTC2119

Super Bowl XLIV

On Super Bowl Sunday, as you join with family and friends to cheer on your favorite team, rest assured that our nation's skies are safe and secure, defended by a highly trained team from Continental NORAD Region and First Air Force -- dedicated to preserving our peace and security.

Temporary Flight Restrictions will be in place during Super Bowl XLIV over Land Shark stadium, and CONR fighters may be visible on Sunday, February 7, 2010, while they enforce the FAA's flight-restricted area in downtown Miami.

General Aviation pilots are strongly encouraged to continue to check NOTAMS throughout the weekend.

An attractive, and informative, poster can be viewed here.


  1. Money- money- money...
    it's "Sun Life Stadium" for the Superbowl

    It's exhausting in Florida keeping up with the name of that stadium--- changes on a seasonal basis.

    All the Best! :)

  2. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
