Wednesday, August 13, 2014


Please forgive me loyal readers . . . juggling too many chainsaws and some domestic issues . . . its August and everybody else gets to take a vacation - I never get a vacation. I can't say its a slow news cycle; there's all too much going on in the news and I'm a part of the story. Too busy working 12 hour days - still serving God & country - when I get a breathe of fresh air I'll hit it again and keep y'all informed. In the meantime if you're not following @sean_linnane on Twitter you're simply missing half the story . . . give me a week to get my head straight . . . Love ya, mean it . . . S.L.


  1. In the grand scheme of things, this site's daily communication doesn't amount to a hill of beans compared to your own personal safety and well being. Knowing you're out there, fighting the good fight is plenty.
    Stay cool SL.
