SkullHead comments on the Rambo post from the other week:
. . . remember most in SF service are highly intelligent altho i do remember partying a little. but alot of spare time was spent in educating my self as well other members were hitting the books. the Rambo image of the SF groups is not how it is down range some one like him could get you killed. the part that comes from inside is the patriot, warrior and gentleman. true alot think this is a job for them or the glamor is what they seek. truth is its hard mental and physical work there is only the occasional good job. most of the former members will always point the finger of success to some one else on the team. clandestine operators are the true patriots and gentleman of this country. when asked why they do it "Who else is going to do it?" is a normal answer. i don't think You pick SF i think SF picks you, the true band of brothers.
A good friend of mine, SkullHead spent years living a life most people only read about in books or see in the movies. - S.L.
i think he hit the nail right on the head.
ReplyDeleteHigh School pal was a state champion swimmer which led to an Annapolis scholarship. Was fit, intelligent, liked to swim and work out. SEAL seemed and was a good fit.
ReplyDeleteDad's first cousin was a West Pointer Nam era. 5th-1st/SOG, multiple tours. Medals and wounds he doesn't talk about. Became a surgeon after the war. One of the better ones the Army ever had. Lifer. Retired with stars of the general officer type.
Wouldn't pick either one of them for a "Rambo". That's because they weren't. They are and were both highly intelligent and fit men with missions and the will to carry them out. I think they'd be insulted to be equated with the cartoon "Rambo" image, if they ever even paid attention to it, but if somebody insulted them in such fashion, no lights would get punched out, they'd just shake their heads at stupids and walk away, no doubt.