The week's headlines, as of Friday, 25 September 2009:
FBI Arrests Jordanian for Downtown Dallas Bomb Plot
Illinois Man Charged in Plot to Bomb Federal Offices
THIS story keeps growing legs, of course:
Zazi Indicted For Conspiring To Detonate WMD

Najibullah Zazi, 24, arrives at the Byron G. Rogers Federal Building on Sept. 17, 2009, in Denver, Colo. Mohammed Zazi, father of Najibullah Zazi, was arrested along with his son and a third man from New York City for possible ties to terrorists.
. . . and from my home station down there in North Cackallacky where the possums and raccoons are haut cuisine, a team of Billy Bobs decided to get their Jihad on:
U.S. Terror Suspects Accused of Targeting Marine Base

The common thread to all of the above is that these guys were nabbed going into the OPERATIONAL PHASE of their terrorist attacks.
If that doesn't shake your cage, then there's THIS disturbing development:

Men Sought After Taking Pictures Along SEPTA's Broad Street Line
. . . with all these amateurs we're rolling up, this begs the question: are these the ones they WANT us to catch?
"Deception and diversion are essential elements of any and all plans of attack." - The Philosophy of STORMBRINGER
We are under attack, just as surely as we were under attack in the days, weeks and months leading up to September 11th, 2001.

The Global War on Terror, or G-WOT, is not a good description of what is taking place. "Terror" in and of itself is not the enemy. Terror is a tactic. What we are at war with is Islamic Fundamentalism.
Dwell on this, and then consider this final disturbing story:
Pakistan Discovers Village of White German al-Qaeda Insurgents

We have had traitors in every war we've ever been in. There are Americans in al Qaeda, of course, American Taliban fighters. The Germans - stupidest people in the world when it comes to politics - have got their own village up there in Durga-DurgaLand.
The village, in Taliban-controlled Waziristan, is run by the notorious al-Qaeda-affiliated Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, which plots raids on Nato forces in Afghanistan.
- Sean Linnane
Under attack? hahaha don't make me laugh, we are under an economic crisis!