Like I said yesterday I'm signing on with a new outfit. I arrived today & made linkup with an old friend, my mentor actually; I'll refer to him as Sensei - he taught me the art & science of surgical explosive breaching operations . . . another lifetime ago, back in Okinawa. That's his totally customized '08 Springer Softail (I'm driving the Mustang) There's a LOT of horsepower in that baby! -eat your heart out Theo =D
A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away another mentor of mine, an old retired Green Beret, full-blooded Ute Indian who made Sergeant Major - explained to me that after retirement, for him the word adventure involved fast cars and motel rooms . . .
. . . I guess I've arrived . . . "still serving in other capacities" . . . STORMBRINGER SENDS
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