Tuesday, August 10, 2010



Today's brilliance comes from GeorgiaPacking.org who just made Blog of the Nanosecond over there to the right . . . which should generate them a sh*tload of hits so I'm going to post this piece in it's entirety as a public service . . . to further the shame and humilition of the miserable piece of wannabe worthlessness who tried to pass himself off as a real man . . . read below on how they busted this piece of human flotsam - it would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic . . .


This will be a brief rant about what happened in gizmo's life today:

So, I went to a gun show today with a friend of mine. We were in the mood for some deals, and in general just wanted to go play with some guns. :righton: When we get there we immediately notice an individual in ACU's. Since this is on Aug 7th, a Saturday, this came to us as being odd. So, my friend and I both being active duty NCO's start to eye ball this guy and notice his badges and awards. Before I list his extensive record let me describe this individual first. 30-40 yr old white male, approx 300 lbs, Blonde high and tight hair cut and a goofy overall appearance. He was wearing glasses on the back of his head, a belt on the outside of his ACU top full of gadgets and a radio with a hand mic wrapped around him self and clipped on his uniform.

I wanted a closer look at this guy so I told my buddy I would be right back and conducted some good ole fashion recon. He was at the polaris dealer talking to the sales rep about buying 4 quads "for his guys." I jumped in the conversation

Me: Jokingly "4! Can I have one!"
He chuckled and I asked him what unit he was in.

Him:"10th Special Forces."

Me: "Really? What are you guys doing up here?"

Him: "Oh Im just helping out some friends of mine"

I took note of all his uniform bits and pieces and walked away. He went about his business and I later confronted him again and asked him if I could talk to him outside. He and I walked out to the back of the gun show and I began to ask him a series of questions that only an individual with his experience would know. He failed miserably and I then decided to level with him. I produced my ID and asked for his. He told me it was in his car so I said lets go get it. Of course he did not have one and I began to lay into him. I yelled at him for a good 30 minutes and made him remove all the items he had never earned on his uniform. I called him plenty of names and said that he was wearing a uniform that my friends have died in, and that he didn't even deserve to touch one.

This guy began to apologize and back pedal, and asked me not to "tell on him." I began to tear into him and lower his self esteem even more hoping that he attempts suicide tonight.

All in all this is everything he lied about and what he was wearing:

Special Forces Qualification
Ranger Qualification
Airborne Qualification
Combat Infantryman Badge with 2 stars
Senior Parachutist Badge
Air Assault Badge
Military Police Badge

and last but not least, Captain Rank.

Later people came up to me and told me what he had told others about himself:

He has served 20 yrs in the Army
He just came back from a 49 month deployment from Afganaland
He goes back and forth all of the time on "Special Mission"

His numbers referring to himself as an SF officer:

William Clark AKA "Capt Clark" 760-974-6579

This number is a FT Bragg number, so he has wandered around SF land before to buy the phone
William Clark AKA "Maj Green" 910-705-2260

Here are some iphone pics I took:

I was in 10th Group, I wore that flash on my beret, and like the author of this piece, I have friends who died wearing that uniform with those insignia. This pathetic wannabe disgraces his memory - spread this intell far and wide across the Internet. I don't want this loser to commit sideways - anyways I doubt he has the cojones to shoot himself - I want all his friends, workplace acquaintances and relatives to know him for what he is, and I want him to live in shame for a long, long time.

- Sean Linnane



  1. Stormy,
    Nothing tops the Special Forces hang gliding sniper in RVN that I told you about.

    USMC (Ret)

  2. What a piece of human waste...

  3. Glad to hear that someone caught that 400 pound farting waffle waiter. had i been there i would have ripped that uniform right off him, marched his ass back inside and made him explain to everyone why he was in his whitey tighties that i'm sure aren't holding anything up for him. Its almost as bad as the poser we met in the PI... I'll have to tell you that one when i get back stateside over a cold one.

  4. oh, i almost forgot to ask.... now how do i get a cool guy tab on my combat side? did they move selection to afghanistan????

    1. Wow...I was asigned to 3rd of the 5th SFG (A) out of Ft Campbell and if I would have came across that low life piece of shit I would have tore into him in a much worse way. Thank you for putting him done a peg in life. To all those who have earned the SF insignia and those who died wearing it. DAMN FEW

    2. Wow...I was asigned to 3rd of the 5th SFG (A) out of Ft Campbell and if I would have came across that low life piece of shit I would have tore into him in a much worse way. Thank you for putting him done a peg in life. To all those who have earned the SF insignia and those who died wearing it. DAMN FEW

  5. Check out these links:



  6. AKA Walts in the UK. (Cnuts)

  7. Posted in full, with attribution, on my Marine message board .........................

    Semper Fi'

  8. I suspect this guy has been up to this kind of thing for a long time.


  9. Zundfolge,
    Agreed. I bet he's also wearing this uniform again now that his shaming wasn't exactly legal like. In otherwords, the law should have been called on the Baluga boy, and charges pressed....jd

  10. Maybe the chicks dig-it?

    The 300 lbs. was the giveaway ...

  11. What a larf.

    Made citizen, took the Oath to defend, and when I volunteered, was told WAY to old to sign-on. No way, no how, no Branch, NOT going to happen.

    Wanted to serve - so I took another route: I helped our congregation start a Boy Scout troop. Not exactly the same thing, but it sure beats lying and theft of honor.

    Fatso could have been a "good guy" if he had put half the calories into volunteering somewhere.

    1. Hey- I HIGHLY recommend you watch the movie "Follow Me, Boys" with Fred MacMurry.

      Starting a Boy Scout Troop is outstanding.

  12. Then again my tip off is usually that they wear any "bling". I know, I know, there are those of you who bling and those of us who don't but quite frankly I have never felt the need to broadcast any more about myself than need be. There are plenty of "wannabes" legitimately wearing the uniform and quite frankly I don't want to deal with them. Like I told the inquisitive Major in Northern Iraq, "If you need to know who I am then you already know who I am. Otherwise, I'll stay in my little hooch and me and my team will all leave when were done and life will go back to just they way you like it."

    After Spc Douchbag decided to let that metrohemaphrodite Assange in on who knows what, I say the less bling, names and other assorted details in the presence of the "common" the better.

    That's all I got to say 'bout that...

    MF 8

  13. What is just as amazing is how easy it often is to tell whan someone wearing only a veterans, or other unit commemorative black baseball cap is the real deal.

    Excellent job on lardo by the way.

    Walter, USAF Ret

  14. Name of a Name! That was in US Special Forces? What as, a mobile roadblock or was he dropped as a "Bunker Buster". I swear that light is being bent by the gravity field!
    I'm not a vet myself, but have given up my time to take care of the more elderly (so perhaps I could claim to have been "adopted"!) but to openly steal honours due to another is just not cricket. I do have a few awards of my own that I earned through 25 years of service in "Civvy Street" and frankly if somebody wants to wear an award then go out and earn them yourself!
    Please forgive the slight lack of manners of my remaining anonymous.
    TTFN and "Splice the Mainbrace"

  15. It's a little scary seeing his car decked out in Army stuff, then see an actual Travis AFB pass on it. I sure the hell hope he doesn't have access to that base! If he does, the Base commander needs to be Informed of this Guys behavior.

    1. If I remember right from my time as an MP at USMA.... The gold sticker is for a civilian employee, blue is officer, red is enlisted. But then again that was back in 2000

    2. Back when I was an MP with the USMA MP Company ,civilian DOD stickers were green, officers blue and enlisted red. But that was way back in 88-89 which is obviously a long time ago (but does not feel like it :) ).

  16. When I first read this is was pissed. When I saw the pictures I laughed. I'm sure others may disagree with me about what I am about to say, but I will say this anyways. After a minute of being pissed at this tool, I now feel kinda sorry for him. Obviously he is missing a few "screws" and I guess he needs to feel as if he is a "somebody". Don't get me wrong I am extremely offended and glad that the author stripped him of his costume. This poser really needs some professional help.

  17. I've got a lot of Veterans in my family of all branches but Navy or Coasties. You can tell they are Veterans because they mostly don't talk about it, truthfully. It was something they did. Great uncle got to fight in the Aleutians in that nightmare and I had a neighbor that's now passed on that got decorated for actions on Okinawa. Both of them: No hats, no bumper stickers, no special license plates, and they didn't much like talking about it or think they did anything special. They just did the best job they could do for their country. My great uncle would talk your ears off about new farming techniques he was planning on trying or his new combine or welder, brag on his kids and grandkids...but getting to hear war stories was like pulling teeth.

    Speaking of frauds, by one that has an interest in ACTUAL military history that really happened:

    Charles Pellegrino’s The Last Train from Hiroshima (Henry Holt, 2010) came highly touted and was almost made into a movie or made for television series. Minor problem, nobody that served on either atomic mission remember the existence of his supposed "source" on any of the flights or support flights because he made it up and the Ph.D. from Victoria University in New Zealand he claimed to have was also imaginary. Imaginary Phd (even though he truly is an associate professor at a community college on Long Island) and imaginary "war heroes". At least Holt pulled the book, but if you see a copy of it in a used bookstore, don't bother with it as he has an "active imagination" and knows nothing about what actually happened on the atomic raids.

  18. I bought some ACUs with no insignia at the thrift store. I dyed them dark blue so no one would think I served in the Army, or was posing as someone just back from Iraq or "Afganaland." The last authentic patches and insignia I earned were back in the Cub Scouts. I wouldn't want anyone to think I I'm someone I'm not. Mr. Clark should follow suit.

  19. Hello!

    Are you soldiers?

  20. My dad was a seabee / marine/ frogman and received the Presidential Unit citation for combat work on Saipan, Never had a uniform, medal, rank stripes or was in the Legion

    He would be pizzed at anyone playing soldier

  21. This is hilarious! Nice job busting him out. I wonder if "Captain Clark" can even do 2 push ups...

  22. This guy ranks with those who served in the militry in 1963-1975 and say they are "Vietnam Veterans". You ask them where in Nam they served and the start stammering. Come to findout they never got out of Ft. Jackson, SC or someother US post.

    When I run into one of these, I give him a sendoff by telling him, "No your are nothing but a "Vietnam Era Viet"

    1. Back in the late 60's and early 70, we didn't pick where we wanted to go. I was in the USAF and they sent us where they wanted. I myself have never said I was a vietnam vet, cause I was stationed in Loring Me the whole time. They way you put it is like we are lowest form of life. Just stop and think how much was done by the ERA vets that worked just as hard as anyone else to support the missions and work of the front lines. Keep in mind we know we were not up front with the brave men and women who fought for us, but we still cared and made sure what we were told to do was done by the best of us that didn't "Boots on the Ground" in Vietnam. The next time you call someone nothing but a Vietnam Era Vet, think about how you got your mail and supplies.... An Era vet did it !!

  23. I am an officer's wife and the thought of CPT Clark posing as an officer doesn't disgust me nearly as much as a person boasting on the fact of "I began to tear into him and lower his self esteem even more hoping that he attempts suicide tonight." This CPT Clark is clearly off his rocker in his attempts to play Army but ANYONE who hopes that they made someone want to off themselves is SICK. I hope your Commander sees this and lays into. There are MUCH better ways to prove your point that didn't involve yelling and hoping he commits suicide. And anyone who doesn't see the grossness of this post is also discusting. The highest form of flattery is impersonation, and CPT Clark wasn't hurting anyone. You did, You're SICK! And Shame on you for boasting and being happy about what you did.

    1. So you would rather this fat lying disgraceful scum taking advantage of people who dont know any better, under the guise of of a soldier's uniform? I buddy I trained with was killed wearing this uniform. He gave the ultimate sacrifice at the age of 25. So every time I hear someone doing this it strikes a deep rooted hatred inside of me, because it is personal, it is a slap in the face of those who passed or truly earned the right to wear this and what it symbolizes. This asshat is a lying pos fraud benefiting from others honor and sacrifice. If you dont get it, then you are a dimwit.
      US Army, 82nd Airborne , Will.

    2. I agree with Anonymous, John and Misspelled. One of the reason why our Army is becoming pussified is because Army wives like you that stick their noses in Army business. STFU.

    3. What the F. This Idiot Bit. is a good match for the poser. She has no clue. I wonder if she knows what a LES is or Class 6 Store.

  24. Lindsey forgot her Haldol today?

    I'm pretty sure most of the readership here would loan him the gun and buy him a round, after carefully instructing him on how to put the gun in his mouth to make sure he succeeded...

    1. Maybe Russian Roulette with a 1911 A1 he goes fist with a round already jacked.

  25. Damn disgraceful is what that is. I serve in the Army, I'm an NCO, and I've never had the chance in nearly 7 years of service to go downrange, (lord knows I've been begging since my wife went and I didn't get a chance) but I don't lie to people about that or try to make myself seem important. I accept the fact that my career in the Army has kept me stateside doing other types of work, and that I will get my chance eventually if I keep asking enough. I have 3 generations of war veterans in my family, from WWI, WWII, and Vietnam, to think of how they would react if they had seen this guy... let's just say he wouldn't need to kill himself. - SGT K

  26. if you were really a cpts wife, you should be just as furious, or more so, for this man impersonating your husbands rank and what he stands for. why is it nowadays everyone who does something stupid, is just "crazy"? no, youre not crazy, youre ingnorant, a liar, a fake, a coward and someone who needs to purge yourself from our existence. this is not flattery in any form;i hope someone of authority sees this and takes action. you can also tell the difference here between nco and officer; this nco did the right thing, and any officer would back him. im hoping hes an infantry nco, that would make it even better ha

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Lindsey shut the hell up. Go back to the FRG and pretend you have your husbands rank. You are a spouse, meaning you are nothing more then a posser yourself. Can't stand people like you, I bet you go around saying thinks like "do you know who my husband is".

    Fat boy should go take a long walk off a short peir or hang himself but I don't think that there is a tree strong enough.

  29. This guy has been caught for this before. He has a record for posing as a Military officer, and has even served jail time for it in the past. I looked him up on POW Networks Phony page.

  30. Lindsey you haven't earned the valor this man is stealing that's why you don't understand, and you will never understand.

    All your husband rank proves is you have a vagina, and you might be able to cook.
    Oh and if you're not already over weight you will be soon.

  31. wow. that is sad. he has even done jail time??????? wow. im no longer in the army i ets as a e-5. even though i no longer put on the uniform, this is still sad. but i also see this a lot in homeless people. to spot a fake all you have to do is ask the basics. what is your mos. where did you go to basic. where did you go to ait. ect.... and the one that is the one that will bust out a fake always, aske them what is the closest target on the rifle range if they say yards you know there fakes. and yes lindsey you have no clue what your talking about....no clue what so ever and i bet you run around the post all day and look for soldiers to find something wrong with, so you can report it to there chain, you are a waste go back to your frg where you can use your husbands rank.

  32. That is Horrible the way you guys talk to Lindsey. As an NCO's wife I do think it is horrible that this man was trying to steal the honor of wearing the army uniform that so many of our friends have fought and died in. I do not think it is right to wish this man commit suside. That is something no one could understand unless you have had someone close do it. I do think he should have been stripped f the uniform. And by the way we as wives go through not the same things you guys do but just as much. I don't wear my husbands rank but I have gone through enough to not have to keep my mouth shut.

  33. Apparently, you need to go through "a bit more" and learn to keep your mouth shut?

    Some wives are "people" and other ones are things that make you scratch your head...

  34. Thank you Lindsey for Stereotyping the wives of Military officers. That fat fuck needs to suffer from acute lead poisoning... self inflicted if anything, so take your bureaucracy to another site or go through the training and dawn a uniform.

  35. Well, to the soft ones saying he needs help.... this kids been to prison for doing that, and its not his first time. the FBI is currently looking for him


    its an interesting little article, featuring the same lil blimpo here

  36. Rough crowd... But I think everyone is sort of right here. I'm finishing up my 4th tour in Iraq (MOS:19D) and I've seen all differnt forms or lies and theft of honors that are not earned. However, SF? Secret missions? Trying to use that no doubt in efforts to ply deals from vendors who probably cut deals for military? That's a little beyond a 'white lie'. And "crazy"? No, he seemed to have gone through quite a bit of preperation and research in pulling this off; he's a fake, a phony, and a liar. We don't get rich doing this shit, we're not famous, girls dont drop their skirts when we walk by, jobs dont throw open their doors when we retire. Our pride in what we've done and do is what is OURS, and because of that, we reserve the right to guard it(however we see fit). Only remarks and opinons from those inside the ranks matter in these regards.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. AH Yes, I love it. What were you thinking when you posted, Lindsey? That we would all just obey and play nice? Because you're a CPTs wife? I wonder if Lindsey isn't a poser herself. Coming to the aid of a fellow wannabee perhaps? Hmmmmmmmm?

    Also Lindsey, being a poser doesn't mean I doubt you're really a CPT's wife. It means that because you're a CPTs wife, you think you have credibility. Like the wannabee CPT Clark, you're only trying to establish credibility where none could possibly exist. As an officer's wife, I will suggest that even you would still have more credibility than the fat SOB (if "less than none" could be counted) but, all this means is that you should put a sock in it, and the wannabee CPT Beluga Boy should commit the first honorable thing ever in his miserable life, Seppuku.....jd

    1. PNY PINK is one of the reputed institutions
      in Pakistan that are offering courses for the female students.
      We have a team of professionals coming from every field and helping
      students to understand the technical details in depth.
      The institution aims to come up with all high-end courses
      for the learners so they can compete in the real zone.
      The reason to initiate these course is to provide
      an opportunity for females to grow and run their houses.

  38. You guys should be ashamed of yourselves and the way you are talking to the wives in here. Everyone has their opinions and you can disagree without being disrespectful. You guys are really making NCO'S look like a bunch of children. That can't share their opinion without using nasty words and degrading the wives that live this life with you. You guys make yourselves sound ignorant

    1. PNY PINK is one of the reputed institutions
      in Pakistan that are offering courses for the female students.
      We have a team of professionals coming from every field and helping
      students to understand the technical details in depth.
      The institution aims to come up with all high-end courses
      for the learners so they can compete in the real zone.
      The reason to initiate these course is to provide
      an opportunity for females to grow and run their houses.

  39. I agree with Lindsey on this one. Impersonating an officer of the armed forces shows disrespect and probably signs of mental health issues and a lack of social integrity. But I am certain that his action- as disrespectful as the may be- we not intended to cause harm to anyone. It does not justify wanting this man dead. Anyone who thinks so has been thinking with their gun for too long and not with their god-given brain.

  40. Beautiful work man. These stolen valor pricks piss me off like nothing else can. I'm just a lowly armored cav E4, but isn't an airborne tab above the patch, not another SF? On the left it should be the triple canopy, and on the right just the airborne unit patch?

  41. I need another gun.....jd

  42. Lindsey you should have your husband spell check your post prior to leaving a comment...

  43. Ma'am, With all of the utmost respect, it is referred to as "Stolen Valor" and is against the law. As a SSG, I can assure you that the Author, was making a point that all Service members would understand.
    Yes,"CPT Clark" has issues and was taught a valuable lesson by the Author, whom I am very proud of and as a Service member and a wearer of the Uniform, I get the colorful language and understand the sarcasm in the Author's statement, about "Suicide".
    This was written from an "Angry" and rightfully so "NCO's" point of view but was also written to be read by those who have served and "Get it..."
    I believe that any Officer, worth his salt would see this for what it is and say
    "Ma'am, I understand your anger but this is NCO business."
    SSG Cyrus

    1. what statute is he violating there staff - he isnt impersonating a police officer or claiming to have won the medal of honor - another halfass dont know what hes talking about just talking. Understand this i swore to uphold the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic - not give some fake a hard time cause he missed his shot or did it out of admiration and wants to know what it feels like to be looked at like a soldier - its his right under the constitution to do so - i can buy any military awards in the army navy store and wear them if i fucking want to weather i earned them or not - Hoorah - Sully

  44. I agree that this fat fuck IS sick in some form or fashion and does need help. But, lets be honest, who really wants to give it to him? Military and civillians should be outraged about this (military more so than civillian). It's totally wrong and anyone serving our country (my husband included) is entitled to be pissed off. Civillians need to take a little more pride in their country and service members and not just find this kind of shit amusing..... thats the sad part. Why hasn't this ass been caught and held, he shouldn't have ever been released. If it were up to me, he would go through some real cruel and unusual punishment before being wipe from the human race infront of those he called friends and family..... they have to have known about what he was/is doing and didn't say a damn word. For that, their existance should be terminated as well.

  45. I wonder if this is the same William Clark that was featured in the Esquire Magazine piece called, "Mercenary" by Tom Junod. It's about the ultimate poser. If it is, this guy needs to be prosecuted.

  46. What you did might have been right, but it was far from being moral and ethical, no matter if he lied about what he did. Who died and made you king to call people out? You are lucky he didn't press charges against you for harrassment, or even worse, pop a cap in your ass. You know, these are how things like that happen. You poke your nose into other people's business....

    I do not condone anything that he did/was doing! But you definately stepped over the line with this one.

  47. You should be ashamed of yourself. This guy does not deserve to wear the uniform. I have to agree with the statement above mine. You are very lucky you had no trouble out of him. He would have had the right to call the police on you, or take it into his own hands.

  48. I served for 10 yrs I'm pissed this Fat BASTARD did what he did sick or not. Like many others on this blog I lost friends wearing this uniform. This poser didn't do a very good recon of the uniform since his unit patch was missing the Airborne on the left side and he was wearing the SF Tab on the right side also what a Fat BASTARD Cpt Clark is

  49. Rough crowd... But I think everyone is sort of right here. I'm finishing up my 4th tour in Iraq (MOS:19D) and I've seen all differnt forms or lies and theft of honors that are not earned. However, SF? Secret missions? Trying to use that no doubt in efforts to ply deals from vendors who probably cut deals for military? That's a little beyond a 'white lie'. And "crazy"? No, he seemed to have gone through quite a bit of preperation and research in pulling this off; he's a fake, a phony, and a liar. We don't get rich doing this shit, we're not famous, girls dont drop their skirts when we walk by, jobs dont throw open their doors when we retire. Our pride in what we've done and do is what is OURS, and because of that, we reserve the right to guard it(however we see fit). Only remarks and opinons from those inside the ranks matter in these regards.

    This guy has said it best !!!!

  50. Thanks for this we call them Walter mitties here in the UK and have more than our fare share of them, Ive Blogged this.

  51. It looks like the wives have come in here to defend each other an it turned into the typical bullshit that 90 percent of the spouses pull my husband this my husband that blah blah blah or the we should be ashamed card. Now don't get me wrong I am a female who is active duty Army an I have known several decent women, but Lindsey an her little friends came in here an caused the problems themselves. Being active duty and a female is hard because most of us want nothing to do with the wives that wear their husbands rank, because when he deploys they are the first to go out an spread their legs for some other man or sit back an gossip to start more rumors because that is all they have to do with their lives.

  52. @ Ashley: Sad, but partially true...Not ALL military spouses are like this, though. I've seen the expressions on some of the womens faces as their husbands left for duty. Some of those faces CAN'T be faked.

    Most are decent women. However, it's only a few that spead bullshit. Yet, it makes the good wives look like shit.

  53. Good story, enjoy seeing posers like this put in the spotlight. Have a problem with the current definition of combat veteran. A combat veteran was someone who earned a combat badge or earned a medal of valor. Today we have those claiming they are combat veterans because they served in a war zone or earned a campaign medal. These are not combat veterans IMHO, they are veterans of foreign war. To me this is totally wrong and stealing valor. Any imput or oppinions on this?

  54. A Vietnam combat vet was recently refused membership in the R.I. Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association when he met all requirements to join. A Gulf War combat vet was put out of the same R.I. CVMA. Another Vietnam combat vet was stripped from a BOD position based on lies by the same R.I. CVMA. Funny thing about it was they all earned a Combat Infantry Badge and this happened in less than a year. The people who chastized these combat vets never were in combat. The National CVMA has done nothing to step up to the plate and take care of this disgusting action by the R.I. CVMA. All one has to do to join the CVMA is have served in a war zone, ride a bike over 500cc's unless your the R.I. state reps babe and then you don't even have to be a veteran and can ride a tricycle and be made a honorary COMBAT VETERAN . If this is not stealing valor I don't know what is.

    1. I'm cvma, ut49-2 and what I just read about RI is fucking disgusting for what they did they should be stripped of their patch choked out with their cut...pardon me vest and tied shirtless to their precious harley with traitor branded across their backs

  55. Have a nephew who belongs to the Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association who spent ten months in Jordan with the guard. He was some type of computer operator and wears a large patch while he rides his bike proclaiming he is a combat veteran. I agree that this is indeed stolen valor.

  56. Where do these people get off with this robbing real combat veterans of their valor? How many of them wear medals and insignia's that they never earned? Seems to me they have quite a few decorations on those wannabe biker vests they wear. Patraeus don't have as many awards as some of these people and he is a general.

  57. As long as he isn't breaking the law, let the kid play army if the kid wants to play army.

    If wearing a fake uniform was a crime, the jails would fill up on Halloween.

    I've known some bozos who've claimed to be ex-military, but didn't know the most basic military lingo. One even claimed to have been Delta Force.

    Arguing, confronting or even being bothered by these fools is a waste of time and effort as there is nothing to win.

    You might as well have an argument with a tree.

  58. here is an maple tree Anonymous.


    they are all over and no shortage either.

  59. I doubt if the R.I. state rep would let Gen. Patraeus join the R.I. Combat Veterans Motorcycle Association? He would be afraid of losing his power. Most likely would say the General had bad character.

  60. SSG R. Cyrus, 246th Trans, Jackson,

    Dude, calm down. Lindsey had a chance to see the timbre of the discussion before she joined it, and I'm sure she's got thick skin, as we in the military, or anyone associated with the military, should have.

    By the way, I'm really glad you're married and everything, but we single soldiers might take issue with the fact that 'without them [our women], we are lesser men. It sucks coming home from a deployment without a welcoming committee, but we go do our jobs and we're proud of it.

    That said, as a soldier of the type this upstanding individual was attempting to impersonate, I fully endorse his suck-starting a .45 whenever he has the stones. I doubt that will ever happen, though.

    Really, though, the morbid obesity, the "Army Strong" garbage, and the haircut were an immediate giveaway, not to mention a rather creative arrangement of patches.

    That is all.

  61. For the person who said "as long as he's not breaking the law" It is breaking the the law, just as if you dress up like a cop.
    People bust their asses to get that uniform, and wear it with pride and a sense of service. So double wide ass fake bags of trash shouldn't wear it. I worked my ass off to get in the Army, and worked my ass off down range. People need to quit fucking faken the funk,because if you sent that fat ass and half of these people talking shit and playing games down range the wouldn't be able to handle five min there......and really SF? like someone in SF would but out like "oh yea I was in North Korea too" wtf guy

    1. down range huh? and you were running patrols out in the fob and clearing mine fields - ive heard it all before - your a female dont give me that down range crap - your a glorified secretary with a uniform required to run a couple miles a day and never leave whatever post your at- your not infantry you prolly dont even carry a weapon - "down range" your laughable is that the pogue word for combat zone?

  62. Just to let everyone know, Mr Clark was arrested in Deadhorse, Alaska on 27 Aug 2010. He is being held for doing more of the same stupid stuff that he has done in the past.

  63. I am an officer's wife and the thought of CPT Clark posing as an officer doesn't disgust me nearly as much as a person boasting on the fact of "I began to tear into him and lower his self esteem even more hoping that he attempts suicide tonight." This CPT Clark is clearly off his rocker in his attempts to play Army but ANYONE who hopes that they made someone want to off themselves is SICK. I hope your Commander sees this and lays into. There are MUCH better ways to prove your point that didn't involve yelling and hoping he commits suicide. And anyone who doesn't see the grossness of this post is also discusting. The highest form of flattery is impersonation, and CPT Clark wasn't hurting anyone. You did, You're SICK! And Shame on you for boasting and being happy about what you did."

    look on offence but the fucker should be shot!! id gladly give my uniform and rank just to shoot the fucker my damn self!! he did time once and still came back and still did the shit again!! wtf!! and how are you gonna say this shit and basicly give the fucker a freebe!!! WTF!!! you know.. its people like you that say shit like this that make me wanna get out but im not going to just to prove the 4yrs ive served are woth something this to you and you "officer husband"

    1. Yea, a good officer will know NEVER to piss off the enlisted. Officers are not all powerful, I should know I got my commander kicked out on a dishonorable. Any officer in charge of any Special Forces needs them to work as a team and need to trust each other. They will discipline someone, but they do not tear into any because that officer might find themselves dead. Anyone who claims to enjoy this kind of thing or claims to enjoy killing is usually a psychopath and kicked out of the service, and the military did not have to notify the civilian authorities. I wish that would change.

  64. I'll start by stating that the author did a great job in busting this phony and I agree a lot of bad things should be coming for this poser. However, as much as I'd like him to die a miserable death...I'd also like to point out that maybe it's better to keep this guy alive. After all, he'll probably suffer more at the hands of verbal abuse, damaged reputation, and etc if we let him stay alive. If anything, I say death is way to sweet for this bastard and he definitely doesn't deserve to join the ranks of your fallen brethren or anyone else who has bitten the big one. If anything I'll even say that his 'soul' is not worth resting alongside theirs'.

    1. a sadist of sorts i see. I say his soul is worth protecting more than yours granted hes a decent guy. thank god ill be taking my turn at heavens gates.

  65. The things pigs will do for free meals on Veterans Day. To the REAL soldiers, thank you for your service! To the fakers, burn in hell!

    1. if a faker is a faker yet still a good man, should he burn in hell? If a coldhearted lousy wife beating sonofabitch is a true war hero but was the lousy prick he is before the war(so as to eliminate any excuses)should he burn in hell as well. This hero has served a purpose for the greater good against terrorism and is a lousy no good prick but the faker has built a strong loving family and is really a true gentleman. Who should burn in hell? the answer is you

  66. BRAT: A British Regimental Attached Traveler. It started with the Mounties, and only Officers were allowed to have families. The enlisted men could not afford them.

    Once a brat, always a brat. We served without our parents even being aware of it, bc they came from the civilian world, and we grew up behind the fortress.

    My father was quite clear that he wore the rank, not us.

    A soldier's wife (or in my parents' case, a pilot's wife) has duties to fulfill. She is to enroll the children in school if her husband is away; she is to maintain all health matters pertaining to her children; try to convince them that Daddy will be home just fine (even though they know quite well that daddies sometimes die just from maneuvers during a normal day at work) she will most likely have the Power of Attorney; she is to present her marriage in a good light by attending functions that involve other wives, bc the sad truth is that promotions are influenced in ways they shouldn't be.

    Her most important mission, should she choose to accept it, is to love her man, miss him every second, worry that something will happen to him, be sure it won't, resent that she has so many demands,feel guilty bc two seconds passed and she forgot to miss him, be horribly lonesome; collapse in tears when she is finally alone; find herself jealous when her civilian friends have husbands who go to boring jobs but are home every night...

    and she wouldn't trade any of it bc she loves him more than words can tell and that's who he is.

    Do military wives have adjustments to make? Sure they do. Can they hack the constant possibility of watching another man be promoted over hers when it's obvious it should be him without being openly bitter about it? Can they live with the 24 hr commitment required of her husband when he has to leave at 3 a.m. bc he's been called in? What about deployment? Can she be strong when he needs her to be? Can he count on her no matter what? Bc those answers do affect his ability to do his job and protect those around him too. Life will not be about her, it will be about what he is ordered to do. And it won't be easy.

    All of this applies to the husbands of servicemembers, too, and the upside of all of it is thank God for Skype! We didn't have it; we had MARS. I called it the Overphone. And cell phones! email! Such wonderful ways to be together while apart.

    Back to the original subject: "Oh dear," says the military man who made this rather momentous discovery, "[Name of highest-ranking servicemember he could scope out], I don't think this man is in uniform (pointing). He seems to have conflicting insignia, and I can't tell which branch he is in." I'm sure he won't be aware that he is yelling this information across the room and attracting everyone's attention...

    Am I a bona fide brat? You tell me.

    God Bless America.
    God Bless Our Unequaled Forces.
    God Grant their Loved Ones Strength and Wisdom.

  67. What a piece of shit. You should have made a citizens arrest, called the army recruiter and have them sue his ass for false advertisement. Then call the MPs at Travis AFB to seize his vehicle. By the way, correct me if I am wrong; as I rather be wrong then a liar. The decal for the vehicle, isnt that a civilaian worker pass? I know officers are in blue (I stood many days as a gate guard), but that doesnt look right to me. It doesnt even have an expiration date that I can see, nor does he have any Captain bars on it. What a fake, he probably bought the car used.

    1. your wrong in more than one way my man - maybe not a liar just not that bright - military has no authority to arrest a civilian or tow his vehicle genious and arrest for the violation of what statute?

  68. I am sickened by this. I am also surprised people can't pick out those kind of lies. I mean a gun show? Though I have never been to one I expect them to be at least half ex military who could spot this faker a mile away. This is equally as annoying as when p.o.g.s dress up and go out to places for special treatment and civilans unfortunitly don't realize they are paying the tab of a desk jockie.

    LOL at the wives that think they are the backbone. I'm sure these are the wives of p.o.g.s. If you think because you are an officers wife that gives you some special treatment you need to get youre head out of youre ass.
    LOL at SSG R. Cyrus, 246th Trans, Jackson, if you have a problem with that. 246th trans. Now I wasn't in the army. I was a 0311 with the marines. So sorry if I am wrong here. I am going to assume that the 246th trans means that you were in some transportation company? so what is it you do? drive? maybe supply a base from time to time under the heavy security of infantry and or machine gunners? I know some of my 0331 friends got pulled out of our first deployment to be attatched to motor t companys to be in their turrets. so what I am saying here is that all the crap you said about wives being the back bone is just that, crap. p.o.g wives are especially selfentitled and I'm sure this guy feeds them that back bone S... on a reg basis..

    About cvma. I am currently a member and I realize there is a difference between combat awarded and combat vet. combat vets are those who sereve in combat zones. combat awarded vets are the ones who have been in the fight. not all vets can be combat vets however. lets say one is deployed on a MEU or joins in a time of peace and sees no action despite their mos. As an 0311 I do have a hard time with the p.o.gs and what not who are part of cvma. unfortunitly there seems to be (or at least I can't find one) no combat awarded vet mc/ma/rc. What keeps me going is the work we do for veteran rights and keeping the pow/mia mission a live. As far as that RI situation goes. There is more then one side of the story and one should not make up their mind without all the facts. But this is not the place for that conversation and to even bring it up was unnessesary. Also their are plenty of real combat awarded vets who are apart of cvma it is not all p.o.gs.

    to get back on topic. Good on you for busting him. That is right up their with that guy that went to his high school reunion all decked out in awards from wars he wasn't even alive when the conflict was going on. Some someone busted his ass. that must have been funny as hell to see in the school gym or whereever it was.

    You must be a real dumbass to go around, especially during a time of war and not expect someone will be able to tell you are faking.

  69. I'm a Vietnam Veteran Against the War....
    40 years anniversary celebration...
    August 3-5, 2007
    Chicago, Illinois

  70. Very well written post, SSG Cyrus. One of the things our Constitution guarantees is freedom of speech, but unfortunately there is no codicil in there about keeping it respectful.
    My husband and I strongly support the armed forces. He would have joined in his youth, but was unable to due to medical issues. Instead of doing something disgraceful like impersonating one, he got a job on base doing med transport. We lost a Marine friend in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and it's people like this Clark who tarnish his memory and the memories of others who have lost their lives in service.

  71. Ummm one comment. I know a whole lot of Green Berets....notice I didn't say former since there is none and I must admit based on the size if this dude, he would need two T-10 bravos in a drop. Forget the HALO by the way.

  72. Real veterans tell you the a story like mine.

    NJ Army Guard, OIF Veteran, Iraq Campgain Medal, no combat action awarded, based received some incoming, mostly performed detainee operations 12hours a day and played Xbox, eat in a chow hall lobster was served, rank e4, no I was overweight and was on weight control program, lost fifty pounds during deployment so I could get promoted. These are my recollections of active duty in Iraq. I did my some part with honor and yes I am a hero, but I do not wear it on my sleeve. However, I do not advocate suicide.

  73. so much violence and hate here. do you think the only way in the world to earn honor and valor is thru a patch on a uniform in your club? what a disgrace. how awful that you can find a way to justify your hateful behavior. you are a dishonor to your children and the future.

    "One day a real rain will come..."

    1. good post - ive seen people with more patches than me hide like little girls under fire including teamleaders, leaving their buddies out to dry - take your patches and medals and shove them in your ass - you know who you are charlie company 181 - Sully

  74. I understand your anger (sort of), but way to humiliate a fellow American. I feel sorry for the guy. Sounds like he just really wants to be part of the club, and hey, maybe he's tried and can't get in for health reasons. Who knows what his issue is, but I still bad for the dude and hoping he commits suicide tells me you have no business trying to "save lives" in the first place.

  75. It is not right for someone to lie about who he is. And it is understandable to be offended if someone is faking something that is very important to you. That said, it is wrong to bully someone just because you are upset and offended.
    But, the real issue here is that you have all been tricked. These pictures and this story are not real. Please notice that there is no closure on these events. We do not hear what happened afterwards or how the confrontation ended. We most likely assume that the guy just drove off and the author hi-5ed himself.

    But that leaves out an important detail. That last picture. Wouldn't the author have mentioned it if he had taken the time to remove, arrange, and photograph all of the man's bogus patches? Are we to believe that these two men stood in the parking lot and cut out all of that stitching... and the author just forgot to mention it?

    You've been had. This story is another one of those phonies designed just to get people riled up and drawing lines between groups.

    And, it worked because YOU fell for it.

    Before you tell me I am wrong... dig into and PROVE me wrong.


    1. Here's a bit of info for you: the ACUs that this guy was wearing do not have sewn-on patches, they're all attached by Velcro. You can literally pull those patches off at any time you like. Even the rank tab.

  76. This type of individual makes my blood boil. I served 23 years in the US Navy. I was an AZ (Aviation Maintenance Administrationman). Thats a mouth full! My Unlce is a retired SF officer and my nephew is in SF. I didn't read all the comments but the guys Travis Base Sticker had a yellow bar. If he was an officer it should be blue. Yellow denoted a civilian employee, at least when I was on active duty. It just makes me so mad to see fools like this.

  77. He looks like 300lb of chewed bubble gum...

  78. I am sorry but I have to post on this one!!! I whole heartedly disagree with Lindsey this POS deserved what he got and more!!! But I also disagree with you and your generalization. I have been a military wife for 15 yrs and I am also a Civil Service Trauma Nurse @ an Army hospital treating our Wounded Warriors. Never once have I used my husbands rank for ANY reason. That is his accompishment not mine. I am Proud of him and I support him in every way that I can. I have kept the house running while he has so far spent 9 of our 15 years on one deployment after another. I have quietly and patiently waited for his return. The life of a military wife is not for everyone there are women out there that will use anything for there advantage including something that was earned by their husband and not themselves.
    But Please stop generalizing about military wives we are not all using our husbands rank and the majority of us Proudly support our husbands, their service, and our country!!!

  79. Heres my point Cyrus ill respect those who deserve it since im no longer a servicemember - so check YOURself - i fall under the pfc act and dont take for granted my right to shit on anyone who shits on me - be it an officers wife or some silly uneducated staff nco - understand that? My constitutional rights are very important to me especially freedom of expression - dont forget what you swore to uphold when you swore - kick your pride to the side - Sully

  80. fagel? what are you a pogue?

  81. Reminds me of one time when I was at work.I was out in the parking lot, and saw a guy with a hat that said "veteran" on it. Being a boy scout, I walked over to shake his hand. I did, and asked him when he served. Unusually, he said "I was in World War II. I stormed the beaches of Normandy," in a spacey, wide eyed sort of way. I found it extremely odd that a person that looked maybe 65 claimed to have been at Normandy, but I just sort of shrugged it off and went back to work.

  82. whats the charge knuckles - its not prosecutable nor is it illegal - tell me the chapter and section he can be charged under

  83. I have served in both the Australia Navy and Australia Army. I haven't had the pleasure in meeting a "wannabe" Unfortunately, we have these mongrels in Australia as well. These blokes need their heads examined because any real Vets would readily rearrange their brains for free!

  84. This is 3 years old, I wonder if he went back to his old ways?

  85. Awesome work, God Bless Australia USA, Canada & New Zealand

    Together we stand
    Together we defend
    Together we attack
    Togather we win

    Would love to see more US servicemen settle in Australia to retire. we need your type of winners here

    1. I would in a minute, but I wouldn't be able to keep my guns!

  86. I am a strong believer in the 1st amendment but somehow I just don't see how wearing patches, badges, medals and such in tis way can be covered under that. The only reason other than the real thing should be restricted to a historical re-enactor that should by law display that is what they are - for air shows and playing 'war-games'. I was a non combat vet but many of my relatives were and it pi--es me off these phonies get away with this. A next door neighbor to me was at Corregidor in Feb 1945 and jumped on Topside. He is a national treasure and will not be around much longer. Every badge, medal, stripe is earned and should never be disgraced this way - it is intolerable. If we had a law in place, this guy would be arrested and dealt with properly.

  87. I have a similar story only much more personal. I am a Desert Storm vet, I met my second husband in Korea, he told me that he was a Somalia vet. We were married for 16 years when I finally got the nerve to leave him. Along with numerous other lies the big one was when I finally pieced together the dates we where in Korea and the Somalian conflict when I began to realize that he could not have been in two places at the same time. Then I found his DD214 which I just happened to have a copy with all my military paperwork, he left Somalia 6 months before October 4, 1993 when the two helicopters went down. He actually used to brag that he was the TC in one of the 10th Mountain hummers that went into get the rangers that had been trapped in the city. I was so embarrassed and angry that I had been married to this dishonorable jerk for so many years.

    1. Good for you! I was in that fight and lost friends. I am thankful that you called him on his dishonorable conduct. Keep telling any mutual associations what he's claimed.

  88. ...Just because you have a right to do something, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do...

  89. Thank you. On behalf of our brothers and sisters in arms, thank you. That piece of scum is lucky to be walking away.

  90. I'm no vet, and would never pretend to be. Humiliating this guy is almost as sad as being him. So he's a loser sporting unearned ribbons, rank, and affiliations.

    No, that doesn't somehow denigrate the memory of those who did earn those things. No, it doesn't make him sub-human, or you super-human.

    You should have done nothing. The only punishment this guy needs is to know *every* time he puts on the uniform, *every* time he spins a yarn, it's false, pathetic, and a reminder of what he'll NEVER be.

    Most people could care less about the ribbons. They're important to the people who earned them, as they should be. For guys like this, they're your biggest fans despite being the biggest losers in all our eyes.

    Let it go.

  91. Special Forces with an AF Base sticker? Really? That is disgusting!

  92. Can someone here direct me or help me find out if someone was actually a veteran?

    1. I'm trying to figure this out as well!! Anybody know?

  93. Weight doesn't always signify that a Veteran is a fraud. I know a couple veterans that have came back from Iraq and within two years blew-up like blimps because one had an eating disorders associated with PTSD and the other suffered from depression. They each served two tours in Iraq but I guarantee you neither of them would showboat their uniforms in public. Real Veterans don't want or need showboat or grandstand their veteran status in public. Also real vets wouldn't want to discredit their former unit by wearing a uniform in a " unfit appearance" and certainly would be caught dead wearing a uniform outside AR Regs... Aside from the waistline, this idiot has a uniform that clearly is not in compliance with AR Regs or standards. But the problem here is that this moron has shamelessly admitted to using patches and badges to which he is not entitled to wear. He dishonors those units and achievements by wearing them without having earned them. These are not innocent white lies either... these lies are often dreamed up to gain people's trust and/or sympathy. This newly gained trust will often be wrongfully leveraged by the perpetrator for personal gain and enrichment.

  94. You mean .... "and certainly would NOT be caught dead "... the "NOT" was missing

  95. I served in the Navy for 11 years; 85-96. I was injured in a non-combat accident. These scumbags all need to be brough down. i find it funny though. I am now that 300 pound fat guy. not the 170 sailor i once was. i earned enough awards honestly and was frocked E-7 before my discharge. I loved being in subs during the cold war and enjoy the reunions from time to time. I love when frauds show up. Its fun to call them out. Later.

  96. I respect you duty you serviced for your country an our western civilization I thankyou highly an mourn the many falling an injured an feel for the family's an loved ones that will never see them again but in pride I trust they know why they did. I need help as I feel I know of a poser of this type you have found an want to have him recognized as he is if he isnt who he says he is!! He has a profile on a site called "moco" his user name is "punkthethraser534" he is very disrespectful towards women an witnessed him say to a heavily pregnant lady that he hopes her baby is born dead! She gave birth to a beautiful healthy baby baby two weeks later. I can tell this guy is a leir an needs someone who knows how to address an point him out as a leir an a poser ive come to believe in him saying he served in the gulf war as a marine! Please someone with the required knowledge do so thankyou Domenic, my e-mail address is "striker22.dc@gmail.com

    1. I mistaked his profile its "punkthrasherq534" on the site of "moco"the is saying he is a vet hero an served 12 years as a marine plz someone put a end to his disrespectful disgrace of lying please

  97. So......He's a fake. What makes you "heros" so real? Because you get off on destroying things and hurting civilians? Nobody but the military/industrial complex and your ego made you go. Don't even TRY to use your supposed "superiority" on me. If you don't like how you're being treated, go live in Washington with YOUR president. Keep away from civilized society.....You're polluting it. And I'm only "anonymous" because there's no Facebook login here.

  98. It's more than a "uniform". That uniform represents and symbolizes service, sacrifice and honor, neither of which this scumbag has. Men and women have died wearing the uniform that this loser had the balls to even touch. As far as I'm concered, it's a sacred garment that is EARNED. Did you even serve? I'll venture to think not, writing such pussy comments. I served and while I'm not a combat vet, I'm proud of what I did. You have the freedom and privledge to bash the man that exposed this fake from the confines of your basement. Enjoy, pal.

  99. Bunch of dumbasses. Half of you NCOs can't even conduct a full block of text without a major grammatical flaw. Terrible. Wishing someone committed suicide? Such a great protector of our rights. What a champ. Posing as something he is not is wrong, and he deserves jail time and other equally minded punishment; but wishing suicide is beyond excessive. Also, to those of you badmouthing wives of those serving are fucking idiots. There is sacrifices on all sides of the fence when a spouse is serving, never think it is all on you. Pathetic, barbaric, crude and uneducated mindsets going on throughout this post . Maybe some of you should finish school and learn basic English before so profoundly stating your absurd opinions on public forums.

  100. ANONYMOUS 2: To be truthful, I served myself. I could care less if the guy was wearing a tutu with a Red Seal. It does not mean dick. Why you're talkin about all this shix, you could better serve your time finding out how to get rid of the CINC . That is the worthless shix who does not deserve to represent this country. USN Vet.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. You know what I dont understand....why. I mean what do they get out of it? I spent 6 years with the 5th SF group, I got a bunch of bolo badges from the different warfare schools they sent us to and even a CiB. That and a $1 still gets me an iced tea at McDees. LoL Now maybe my mistake is I dont have a chest load of medals to go with the bolo badges. Sorry if I was just a grunt, we did our job we left. No silver stars not bronze stars. I dont know, cant explain what the excitement is to play make believe like that. Oh well, keep up the good work.

  103. Have you bladerunners ever retired a human by mistake?
    Ever out a real vet after humiliating him then discovering that he was the real deal?
    Does that make you feel like real men?

  104. I have a question that has nothing to with this but since there are many people talking on this thread that are Military I will ask you all. I have a person who claims he was a Marine. I cannot figure out if he ever was but I do know that a gun of mine went missing, I threw him out of my house and later discovered a diamond earing had been taken as well. I am wondering how I can find out if he was a Marine?? I am also wondering if a person that gets sectioned eight out of the Marines if the Marine can be stripped of his rights as a civilian to ever purchase a Gun? I could not understand his interest in my little Walther 22 hand gun!!! Thanks for any help in my situation!!!

  105. all I can say about what you did to this guy OUTSTANDING, having served from 72-75 which was a long time ago it still makes me mad about all the wannabe's that think that they won't get busted by those of us who have stood on those painted footprints and served .

  106. You really wasted your time calling out a retard?I don't know who is more retarded.I served too and don't see the need to call out the wanna be's.It's just free entertainment for the ones who know better.

  107. You really wasted your time calling out a retard?I don't know who is more retarded.I served too and don't see the need to call out the wanna be's.It's just free entertainment for the ones who know better.

  108. I'm waiting for someone to call me out . I'm going to play stupid and walk away and honestly it's a lot harder to get your VIC then you think . And shit I don't remember half the acronyms

  109. William James Clark is currently a guest of the US Bureau of Prisons. He'll be enjoying their hospitality at the luxurious USP Terre Haute until October 2018.

    Seems "Captain" Clark's past caught up with him after his uncovering in Alaska. He probably should not have been playing with guns, considering his previous felony conviction. Many, many diseased chickens came home to roost.

  110. I see. So you couldn't type out your name or email or link your FB account. Very brave of you to come on here and disparage veterans. I bet you thought about joining the army in High School once but something else came up. Thank you for your non-service and you condescending attitude to match it. Have a nice life.

    Signed, an actual Vet who has no ego and doesn't work for the military industrial complex.

  111. How do you expose someone who tells everyone that he was in Vietnam. He is s 60 year old man who tells detailed stories of Vietnam. I wish someone would call him on it. His name is Dan Zuktz on Facebook.

    1. Dan Zultz correction

    2. This is an insult to all of the men who fought for freedom and he has no problem taking credit!

  112. I took an oath to serve and defend the United States of America, my oath did not expire when I DEROSED at Fort Dix N.J. What I'm getting at Bro's (yes I earned that right) is this poor slob is still covered by my oath. There ARE plenty times I think of strapping my old 1911a1 and doing some cleaning up in my neighborhood but I don't, thats the scotch talking. Give the guy a break, we're bigger than this....3Rd Armored Division 2nd battalion, 6th field artillery.

  113. Well spoken by a Centaur soldier. FISTER here 83-86.

  114. Maybe he was an actor. Maybe he was just leaving the set of a movie. I can't wait to see pictures of Mark Wahlberg on here being called out for posing as a SEAL.


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  116. wow I guess it does not shock me. I ran into the same person sometime back at a show here in Milwaukee. Clearly he gets around. I also made him remove the SF tab and crest from the uniform, as I served with the 19th and he clearly was not one of my brothers. But he was not saying he was active but retired. If I had seen this post before I ran into him, he would have run into my foot to his butt!

  117. wow I guess it does not shock me. I ran into the same person sometime back at a show here in Milwaukee. Clearly he gets around. I also made him remove the SF tab and crest from the uniform, as I served with the 19th and he clearly was not one of my brothers. But he was not saying he was active but retired. If I had seen this post before I ran into him, he would have run into my foot to his butt!

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  119. Wow, mister "captain" Clark shows himself REAL spec-ops obesity case :-) Heavy case, I have to say.

  120. thanks for your service. and pointing out this.
    Joseph T Linnane
    Packmule 7.

  121. Ohio Military Reserve veteran impersonators is next. There will be hundreds of them. It's the largest, and probably only conspiracy, veteran impersonating conspiracy in the US. They have committed fraud, forgery, etc., to obtain VETERANS NATIONAL GUARD LICENSE PLATES from the state of Ohio. Watch the news for a MASS arrest. Convictions guaranteed - it's ALL on computers. Even the VA's computers files in, Wash. DC, have been corrupted by these veteran impersonators when the Ohio BMV sent their names to the VA as "veterans". Indictments may include, Ohio BMV Registrar, several Adjutant Generals, 2 governors (cover-ups), hundreds of OHMR (Ohio Military Reserve) members, etc., etc., etc.. THIS IS BIG!!!
    One guy's motive is to get elected to his local UAW union. He even stands up when ONLY "veterans" are to be honored at the start of union meetings at his local, and meetings in Detroit. And, he runs in elections as an Ohio "veteran" in the Ohio National Guard (has been getting ANG plates for years). Plenty of crimes committed by this guy.
    But what about on national security? This is so large it is a security breach of our military.
    Recently, 2 OHMR members were "detained", but not arrested for trying to gain access to an Ohio military base with their OHMR IDs. Why weren't they arrested? Cover-up it appears. From veteran impersonating to obtain ANG plates to accessing military bases they don't belong on. Terrorists? We don't know. Yet. Let's get this to trail and clean up our state and our US Ohio ANG. Call your reps now in Ohio. Call the media. Call the VA. Call the FBI, though they already know about it. And they're all going to prison for this. Any "politician", too! Hear that, gov?
    Crime "don't" pay! Why'd you cover this up and think you could get away with it?
    And ultimately, the citizens of Ohio, when they discover this MASS FRAUD AND CORRUPTION in their "state" military, will have to decide to DISBAND the OHMR.
    Ohio doesn't need a den of thieves like this. It can only bring something bad to us all. So indictments are coming, probably from the FBI, as the state's investigators appear to be negligent to a cover-up all the way through the OAG to the governors office. The Ohio BMV was exposed to this and the IG's office yet the FBI is going to have to do the job.
    And I hope the FBI indicts BMV investigators, deputy registrars, all the way to the OAG (2 of them, this has been going on for YEARS), to the goveror's office, who is the COMMANDER OF THE OHMR. This could even include the recent past governor who was is office when all this started.
    Have fun, boys!
    Get lawyers!!!

    1. The above mentioned UAW, veteran impersonator also obtained on the clock a Veterans Medallion, property of the company and UAW, to HONOR VETERANS who work there. HE TOOK IT!!!
      Impersonating a veteran to obtain money or property is a felony. This individual has committed a felony on the job, and he is not fired yet (probably will be though). The company can be accused of creating a hostile work environment if he is NOT terminated for committing a felony ON THE JOB, CLOCK!
      It's time to pay the piper, OHMR veteran impersonators. This individual was also obtaining from the Ohio BMV, ANG license plates AFTER HE QUIT the OHMR. You can't belong to two (2) services at once by law anyways. So that is just ONE MORE REASON why these criminals, in or out of the OHMR, are going to PRISON for it ALL!
      You can't make this sh*t up!
      Who ever said criminals and politicians were smart?

  122. I agree, there are to many fake heroes running out there. They can buy all this stuff at a surplus store or swap meet. It is a different story when the award is earned. I admire you for your restraint in not administering a well deserved beating. My respect to your fallen brothers

  123. First off, i´m not with the US Military, but I appreciate what you guys do for country! About these "heroes", at least, they can try harder, if you gonna fake it, make it look at least ok, and even worst, to look like some kind of rambo wearing medals and badges you don´t deserve, shit, you can even google this stuff, get the right uniform, the right rank, the right branch, the right MOS, the right everything, but no! you wanna be the call of duty hero!

  124. I'm a non-combat veteran (M.P. 91-94). I spent over a decade as a police officer (before retiring from an on duty injury) in a large California city that has a very violent history and reputation even by California standards, so I'm not completely unaware of why there is a visceral reaction to these types. I have great respect and admiration for the post 9-11 generation of soldiers, sailors, airmen, etc. I also won't try and talk away any veteran's righteous anger towards these blasphemies of the uniform. I think these instances do disgrace the uniform (which they likely could not have ever worn) and memory of the honored fallen. But on the flip side, they also, in a strange (mental health issue) way, they pay a high honor to it all at the same time. They seek to recieve (steal) glory they couldn't earn. They aren't posing as businessmen, plumbers, police officers, etc. (all of which are honorable professions), they want to be you...the best and most worthy. They're thiefs of experience of blood shed with brothers and sisters, but they are thieves desiring something you earned and they never could. I've seen many deaths at the hand of the deceased, I don't wish that they as an option for very many in this world, but a good public shaming is great to hear about.

  125. I'm a retired MP and I'm disgusted by this ... ture waste of oxygen. I've lost both MP & SF brothers and he doesn't deserve the company of either. Enough Said anymore and I might not get of the soapbox ... next person that see this scumbug in any uniform again give him a good 'throat punch' for me!!! SFC(Ret) Arnold

  126. I served in the active Army from 83 to 85, and from 87 to 89. I attained the rank of Sergeant/E5 and served in Field Artillery. I was medically discharged after injuring my back in the line of duty, and I served honorably. Although I served in combat arms, I never heard a shot fired in anger, and I will always have great respect for REAL combat veterans. I am glad that 300 pound SWINE and SOB was exposed for the fraud that he was perpetrating. Aholes like that slob are a disgrace to the men and women of our armed forces who have served in harm's way.

  127. I know someone who claims he served in the Nifty Fifty Package in Panama. He claims he got shot but can't remember which side of the chest it was on. He also claimed he got a purple heart. The truth is he ordered one off of Ebay. He also got kicked out of basic training. But he continues to tell the story as it happened. SAD. His goes by RH. So sad for those who really served.


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