The river is flooding and all the animals are scurrying to find safety. A scorpion and a frog meet on the bank of the river. Scorpion asks Frog; "Please help me, Frog, I cannot swim - let me climb on your back, and you can carry me across the river."
Frog says, "NO WAY! If I do, you will sting me, and I will die!"
Scorpion says, "That's stupid! Why would I sting you? If I did that, we would sink into the water, and I too would die."

Frog thinks about it. "Hmmm . . . you're right. Okay - climb on on my back, Scorpion, and I will carry you across the river."
They set out, but halfway across, Scorpion stings Frog.
Frog feels the onset of paralysis and starts to sink. Knowing they both will drown, Frog gasps, "But . . . but . . . WHY?"
Scorpion replies: "Because I'm a scorpion . . . and this is the Middle East."
What has the US military done since 1945?
ReplyDeleteNothing honourable, for starters. A huge amount of damage internationally. And has created a monumental hole in everyone's pocket - money that could have kept this nation on top of the heap, instead of now laying in a heap. It's a staggering amount of cash with zero return on the investment.
Summary: Useless, damaging and financially catastrophic.