Some disturbing information has come my way in the past twelve hours regarding Pat Condell, the British comedian I featured for Saturday morning's post:
I'm not always right and I depend on YOU the STORMBRINGER Underground Auxiliary Force and my extensive personal intelligence network to keep me informed and up-to-date on what's going on around us everywhere, 24-7.
In this case it was David of Galut, Israel who brought to my attention the whole story on Pat Condell. That's his "license plate" to the right there in the coveted BLOG OF THE NANOSECOND box.
Bottom line: Pat Condell is a study in intolerance; the man not only speaks out against radical Islam, he also spouts twisted views on Judaism and Christianity, claiming they are an "insult to humanity", stereotypes all religious Jews, claims scripture and prophesy reflect "insanity", promotes the destruction of Jerusalem, and promotes the idea that Jews should "let go" of Jerusalem.
Basically, Pat Condell is anti-Christian, anti-Israel, and anti-Jewish. This is not the STORMBRINGER way.
Check It Out:
If you're against Israel you're not only against . . .

. . . a cool beach country infested with topless chicks . . .

. . . a land with a mighty warrior ethos, our only friend in a VERY rough neighborhood;

You're also against the land that just so happens to be the cradle of our civilization . . .

. . . the birthplace of two of the world's greatest faiths that together contributed significantly to the establishment of the United States of America:

For all you anti-Israel trolls out there; remember this truism - "If the Arabs ever decide to lay down their arms, there will be peace in the Middle East. If the Israelis lay down their arms, there will be no more Israel."
Earlier today, it was suggested to me that the reason Christians promote Pat Condell despite knowing his anti-Christian views, is that they hate Islam more than they love Christianity. I responded that as a Christian I don't hate I forgive; I saw the true meaning of the word 'hate' in the former Yugoslavia and I am not capable of that kind of emotion.
I have said it before - most recently here - I am tolerant, and I do not believe we should exclude the good Muslims from our side in the struggle against hate and intolerance. When they called it the "Global War on Terror" it was a misnomer, in that Terror is not the enemy; it is a tactic, nothing more. The enemy are radical Fundamentalist Islamist thugs; and they have killed a thousand times more Muslims than they have Christians.
For if we do allow this to become a religious war, then we are no better than the worst of them, we would have succumbed to their own perverted mindset, this thing will then evolve into a true two-way religious war, and they will win, for that is what they want.
This is a basic tenet of the Philosophy of STORMBRINGER.
Having said that, the entire concept of a 13-story Super Mosque at Ground Zero is about as wrong as two dogs f*cking on the White House lawn, and the best thing we can do about it is pull up a semi-trailer loaded with live hogs up to the front doors of the place and let the swine run hog-wild through there.
More to follow on the outrageous insult to freedom that is known as the Cordoba Mosque at Ground Zero.

Being a retired OTR trucker I would be glad to help you haul a few loads of hogs in there and turn them loose. I have had experience hauling livestock and if done late at night it could be done. Great idea. On the other side of your stance... I do not believe after what I have learned about the Koran that there is any such thing as a tolerant or moderate Muslim. If they are Muslims they have no choice in what parts of the koran they will live by. The Koran is actually a book of instructions on how they MUST live their lives. Because of abrogation I believe the Islamic experts call it the peaceful passages in the Koran are negated by the later offerings of Mohammed and they are instructed quite literally to live as he did. All the things they do that are so repugnant to us such as stoning rape victims, honour killings, killing infidels you know all the good stuff is how that book orders them to live. I am not trying to be a smart ass by saying this. It is serious stuff. I would urge your to do some serious research into this. I know it took me by surprise about 4 years ago when I first started looking into it.
ReplyDeleteDittos Bob Devine.
ReplyDeleteThey can build the mosque, when we can build churches and synagogues in Mecca. Or Medina.
ReplyDeleteOh, wait... That would be against the Koran.
ReplyDeleteEff 'em.
We have the hogs! Just let us know how many and when....
ReplyDeleteMaine hog farmer
I agree with seadog; as soon as the "muslim dominant" countries, like Arabia, start becoming as tolerant as we are, maybe...but that's never going to happen, is it?
ReplyDeleteSo, how EXACTLY did some idiot allow these insensitive b@st@rds to BUY land so close to Ground Zero? And what the ^%$# do these NY politicians think they're fooling around with? Do those idiots REALIZE how many New Yorkers were affected by the attacks on September 11th? And these cordoba b@st@rds have the unmitigated audacity to want to open their cesspool on the 10th anniversary of this attack?!?!
im am atheist! i consider myself right of center so stick that in your pipe n smoke it! im no douchebag either. just because we dont believe in goblins and unicorns and have grown out of fairy tales dont make us bad either. i would respect the right for peace loving religions to preach and practice. but islam is an ideoligy a way of life not a religion and an evil ideoligy it is too. so respect to my christian brothers for you are my brothers even if i follow no god, i will stand beside you when the time comes.
ReplyDeleteStand up for Freedom!
ReplyDeleteNicola - Venice, Italy